Single of the Week: “Wanna Start A Band?” by Sleigh Bells

The funny thing about Sleigh Bells is that they do, indeed, have a formula. But it’s such a damn good formula that always feels so unbelievably good. “Wanna Start A Band?” is a brilliant little autobiographical anthem, and this song is a cacophony of sonic joy that is somehow equal parts Nine Inch Nails and Lisa Lisa. I’m so glad that they are opening with joy in this hellish year of 2025. (I will note that Sleigh Bells’ show at Mezzanine was my first show after Trump’s win in 2016, and it was the exact right thing to do. Also my first indoor show after COVID hit) 

Sleigh Bells are embarking on their first tour since 2022, and tickets are on sale TODAY at 10 am local time. Dates and tickets are here

Spinning Platters’ Top 20 Albums of 2021

By The Spinning Platters Staff

This was an intense year… It feels like we’ve lived 300 in the last 3 months, TBH. Anyways, here’s the Top 20 records of 2021 as voted by the staff at Spinning Platters. You may notice a couple of late 2020 releases here… Similar to the Grammy’s, we don’t do a typical calendar year. Instead, we do 11/20-11/19 as a year. Because, really, in those last six weeks of the year, can anyone develop an emotional connection to a record? Continue reading “Spinning Platters’ Top 20 Albums of 2021”

Show Review: Sleigh Bells with Kills Birds at The New Parish, 10/23/21

It’s been a very long time since I’ve been inside a club. Heck, it’s been a long time since I’ve last been to ANY indoor space where people were openly consuming food or beverage, let alone doing in in tight, compact quarters. I’m fully vaccinated with the extra potent Moderna vaccine. However, I’ve also got a toddler that’s still got a couple of months to go before we can get them vaccinated, so I’ve got good reason to avoid accidentally bringing COVID home with me from anywhere. 

Long before vaccines were available, I knew that my first indoor show would be at The New Parish. Why? Because it’s one of the only indoor spaces with a patio connected to the performance space, as well as multiple doors and windows that stay open. It also has very high ceilings, creating the best natural airflow you can get in a space. With fresh air being our best protection against the virus, this felt about as close as you can get outdoors indoors. The band has also been very open on social media about the need to keep the group safe and stay masked at the shows, and by all reports, the audiences have been listening. 

When I arrived at the venue, things were already looking quite good. I showed up about 20 minutes before doors and was surprised to see a decent queue waiting in the rain. About 10 minutes before doors, security announced to every in line that they needed to take out their “vaccination card or negative PCR test. If your test does not say PCR on it, it is not good for entry.” They went through the line, checked everyone’s vax card and ID, and then issued wristbands for entry. It was a pleasant and efficient way to go. Throughout the night, when the queue got long again, they continued this process. After your tickets were scanned, another security guard checked wristbands as folks entered the room. They were serious about keeping us safe, and it felt good. 

We were treated to an opening set by Los Angeles’ Kills Birds. This band is HEAVY! The weight of Fielder Thomas’ fuzzed-out bass playing practical crushed me, but in a good way. Singer Nina Ljeti jumped between a guttural growl and passionate spoken word in a way to keep one moving on an emotional journey throughout the set. Their sound is so intense and serious that it was surprising how Ljeti smiled and glowed throughout the set. It seemed the magic of getting to perform again was not lost on her, and the ability to connect with a crowd again did not seem like it was being taken for granted. I am definitely on board with seeing Kills Birds again. 


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The gear switch revealed something shocking. Sleigh Bells usually perform as a duo- just Alexis Krauss on vocals and Derek Miller on guitar. Everything else is played from a laptop. This tour has the band filled out by Chris Maggio on drums and Kate Steinberg on keys and backing vocals. I was initially a little skeptical, primarily because I didn’t think a human could play the complex rhythms that Sleigh Bells use. Then, when the band launched into their current single, “Justine Go Genesis,” the live drums added thunder to the track that was vital for the live show. For the first time in nearly two years, I felt that feeling from hearing truly brutal drumming over chunky, down-tuned guitars. That feeling as if you are sprinting through a field while staying completely still… That feeling of really, truly heavy music. That feeling is a feeling that I’ve missed deeply and dearly. 

Krauss has always been one of the most charismatic front people in rock, but this set had her extra fiery. She rarely stopped moving for even a moment. Yet, I somehow managed to make eye contact with every single person in the venue. Krauss is so good at opening herself up to an audience that, despite the sea of masks in the room, everything felt intimate and safe and life for just one hour felt like we could just let go from the dangers of the virus and be one with each other. She’s just that good. 

Setlist talk- The show focuses pretty heavily on tracks from their debut record, Treats, which celebrates its 10th birthday this year, with songs off that album even eclipsing this year’s fantastic Texis. And those two records elicited the most epic sing-alongs of the night, including the whole room erupting into a massive scream of “I feel like dynamite! I feel like dynamite” in the chorus of “Locust Laced” and the communal joy of singing “have a heart, have a heart, Sixteen six-six-six like and I know the part” during the chorus of “Rill Rill.” The crowd erupted into a full-on circle pit during “A/B Machines” that managed to keep going even during the ballad, as mentioned earlier, “Rill Rill.” 

The most intense moment of the show, however, came at the very end… The rains have been rough and pouring into the venue via the open windows and doors that kept us safe from the virus. This caused the laptop to short out just before the show closer of “Crown On The Ground.” Despite this, as well as one of the entrances to the room literally flooding, the band insisted on powering through, with Krauss showing of her incredible voice by singing the first verse of “Crown…” mostly acapella before the band tour into an entirely sample-free version of the song, closing out one of the most beautiful nights of music that I’ve ever experience. 


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Spinning Platters presents “How Did I Get Here?” Season 3, Episode 2 with Alexis Krauss of Sleigh Bells

Spinning Platters presents “How Did I Get Here?” is available almost everywhere you enjoy podcasts. You can find us and subscribe here!
Alexis Krauss is the lead singer of the popular band Sleigh Bells. Their noisy blend of grindcore guitars and pop beats may not be the most suited for casual radio listening, but it feels me and many others with great joy. I got to speak to Krauss about her time with the pop group RubyBlue, working on a TV show as a young teen, working as a session musician, and how a fateful meeting at a restaurant brought Krauss back to playing in a band.

Sleigh Bells’ latest release, Texis, is available for you to enjoy NOW! The band is currently at the tail end of a North American tour, and will be kicking off another round of dates in early 2022. You can find an up-to-date schedule here. Bay Area folks can catch them TWICE this weekend: October 23rd at The New Parish and October 24th at Rickshaw Stop. Please remember to vaxx up and mask up at these shows for the safety of the band and your fellow fans!

Single Of The Week: “Locust Laced” by Sleigh Bells

The funny thing about Sleigh Bells is that they seem to time new material to the exact moment when I feel like I need it. And, my god, it’s felt like I needed it for the last year and a half, but I really REALLY needed “Locust Laced” this week. Badly. The band has actually dialed up the noise for this track, giving you pure sonic catharsis. I’ve played this song ever so loudly too many times this week. God bless Sleigh Bells.

“Locust Laced” is out now in all the usual places. It’s the first track off “Texis,” their latest full-length album which is sliding into your ears on September 10th. Also, make sure you and your community get vaccinated ASAP because I really need a Sleigh Bells show with a mass of sweaty people and I’ll be damned if the anti-vaxxer community forces these shows to get pushed.

Single Of The Week: Back For More by Kat Meoz

This week’s single of the week comes from Venezuelan-American Singer/Songwriter Kat Meoz. “Back For More” is an exhilarating blend pop beats with heavy as fuck guitars, calling to mind Sleigh Bells in many ways. Only she has more than a hint of dirty, bluesy swagger. Imagine if Jon Spencer Blues Explosion worked with an 808, and then upped the dirty/sexy thing by like 100 degrees. That’s what Kat Meoz is giving with this track, and it’s EXACTLY what I needed to hear this week. 

“Back For More” can be found in all the usual places. Expect to hear a lot more from her later this year!

Outside Lands Night Show Review: Sleigh Bells, Jel at The Independent, 8/11/17

It may not be winter, but Sleigh Bells are always lovely

The music festival night show: a time honored tradition, when nightclubs around town host a band playing said festival to also play a smaller show after curfew is over at the main event. There is good and bad with these; the good side is that you get your band playing a full length set, in a crowd of just fans in a smaller venue than you’d normally see them at; the bad side is that these shows start really late, you have to get to them from the festival (which is never an easy affair), and it also means that you’ll be working on very little sleep the next day. This might, however, just be because I insist on showing up at doors, and leaving when the last note has played; I guess not everyone else is crazy like me.

Continue reading “Outside Lands Night Show Review: Sleigh Bells, Jel at The Independent, 8/11/17”

Treasure Island Festival 2013, Day 2

Most Photos by Kara Murphy

I learned from my mistake of yesterday and left my downtown Oakland apartment at 10:30 am. Instead of making my way to the shuttles at The Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, I took the transbay bus and transferred to the 108 Muni line at the Transbay Terminal and used that to get to the island. It took my exactly one hour from leaving my place to my arrival to the Bridge stage. Which also meant that I got there early enough to walk right up to the barrier, and I got to enjoy some time with the group of hardcore Animal Collective fans that were determined to stay put all day. And a trio of hard core Deep Sea Diver fans.

Continue reading “Treasure Island Festival 2013, Day 2”

Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 8/30/12 – 9/5/12

Playing for free on the streets of Oakland this Sunday.

With FYF going on down in LA this weekend, we’re getting a decent spillover of excellent shows up here in the Bay Area. Though not quite at Fauxchella levels, it’s nice to have a Faux Your Festival going on right now. And since your regular host for this column, Dakin Hardwick, will be enjoying himself at the real thing, I’ll be guiding you through your options for our fake version.  Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 8/30/12 – 9/5/12”