Spinning Platters presents “How Did I Get Here?” Season 3, Episode 2 with Alexis Krauss of Sleigh Bells

Spinning Platters presents “How Did I Get Here?” is available almost everywhere you enjoy podcasts. You can find us and subscribe here!
Alexis Krauss is the lead singer of the popular band Sleigh Bells. Their noisy blend of grindcore guitars and pop beats may not be the most suited for casual radio listening, but it feels me and many others with great joy. I got to speak to Krauss about her time with the pop group RubyBlue, working on a TV show as a young teen, working as a session musician, and how a fateful meeting at a restaurant brought Krauss back to playing in a band.

Sleigh Bells’ latest release, Texis, is available for you to enjoy NOW! The band is currently at the tail end of a North American tour, and will be kicking off another round of dates in early 2022. You can find an up-to-date schedule here. Bay Area folks can catch them TWICE this weekend: October 23rd at The New Parish and October 24th at Rickshaw Stop. Please remember to vaxx up and mask up at these shows for the safety of the band and your fellow fans!

Single Of The Week: “Locust Laced” by Sleigh Bells

The funny thing about Sleigh Bells is that they seem to time new material to the exact moment when I feel like I need it. And, my god, it’s felt like I needed it for the last year and a half, but I really REALLY needed “Locust Laced” this week. Badly. The band has actually dialed up the noise for this track, giving you pure sonic catharsis. I’ve played this song ever so loudly too many times this week. God bless Sleigh Bells.

“Locust Laced” is out now in all the usual places. It’s the first track off “Texis,” their latest full-length album which is sliding into your ears on September 10th. Also, make sure you and your community get vaccinated ASAP because I really need a Sleigh Bells show with a mass of sweaty people and I’ll be damned if the anti-vaxxer community forces these shows to get pushed.