Aftershock 2022 was a fantastic memory that will be hungered to repeat next year. Allowing over 40,000+ people each day to chill during a sweltering 99 degrees (Fahrenheit) with large mist blowers and delicious (health or comfort) eats choices were plentiful. The stage layouts were designed with both mainstages almost back to back with alternating performances with viewing screens of each other’s performance. Then the 3 smaller stages rotated with incredible talent that are under the mass media radar. As with all great experiences, I will always be missing something; thus, I did miss the first day of all my personal favorite bands. In addition, I am sure I missed out on others on the days I attended. Yet, the ones mentioned were phenomenal, and hope to see comments on your experiences. Continue reading “Show Review: Aftershock Festival 2022”
Tag: My Chemical Romance
Spinning Platters’ Top 50 Records from our First Decade: 31-50

The very first article posted to Spinning Platters was March 25th, 2009. It was a diary of the first few days of my second visit to SXSW. You can read that here, and even look at a picture of me 29 year old me with Marnie Stern.
That means this little music blog that has evolved into a music, film, theater, and comedy blog, and has been around for more than a decade at this point. So, in order to commemorate this time, I reached out to every person that has ever contributed to the site to pull together a top 50 records of the first ten years of Spinning Platters. That would be between March 2009 and March 2019.
Not everyone got back to me. I even got a couple, “I don’t remember doing this” emails from people that only contributed a couple of articles. However, this is definitely a list that represents the tastes of everyone that has been part of this thing. Since 50 records is a lot to take in at once, I’m just going to give you 31-50 today. Only without any words about the record at all, just a video from that album. Coming soon will be 11-30 with more commentary, and 1-10 with even more commentary will be coming your way before Christmas. So without further adieu, here’s your list!
Continue reading “Spinning Platters’ Top 50 Records from our First Decade: 31-50”
Show Review: blink-182, My Chemical Romance, Matt & Kim (Honda Civic Tour) at Shoreline Amphitheater,
In 2001, a car company that went by the name of “Honda” decided to add another package tour to the schedule. They called up blink-182, who were at the height of their popularity, and, one thing led to another, and 10 years later, fans of pop punk music became far more aware of automobiles. I was at the San Francisco date on that tour, a show at The Warfield with No Motiv and Alkaline Trio. Over the next ten years, blink-182 went through an awful lot, evolving, and then breaking up, and then their drummer almost died in a plane accident, inspiring them to get back together.
Show Review: My Chemical Romance with Neon Trees and Architects at The Fox Oakland, 3/31/11

MCR!!!! That’s all my fangirl heart was screaming while walking towards The Fox and the hoards of people, clad mostly in black, slowly making their way in to the theater. Of course, I didn’t have a ticket, just a photo pass, but trivial details will not keep me from a show! After a brief panic the ticket was procured and I made my way in and was amazed by the crowd already formed on the floor. By the excitement radiating through the room I could tell that this, the fourth time I’ve seen My Chemical Romance, was going to be the best. Continue reading “Show Review: My Chemical Romance with Neon Trees and Architects at The Fox Oakland, 3/31/11”
Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 3/31/11 – 4/6/11
Yeah, so normally I put a funny pic that makes fun of the name of some band playing this week. But, instead, we are giving away a pair of tickets to see the Metalliance Tour at Mezzanine on Sunday, April 3rd. It will be an amazing night of non-stop metal madness, capped off by the great HELMET! Simply email by Friday at 3 PM, and one lucky winner will be picked at random. Just give me your name, email, and phone number and in the subject, put METALLIANCE CONTEST. Winner will be informed by email. And if you don’t win, tickets are for sale here!
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 3/31/11 – 4/6/11”
Show Review: Live 105 Not So Silent Night with Smashing Pumpkins, My Chemical Romance, Phoenix, The Black Keys and Broken Bells at HP Pavillion 12/10/10

Not So Silent Night really lived up to its name this year. It was loud and booming in the half empty HP Pavillion in San Jose. Unfortunately this made for some pretty bad sound, especially from the back of the room. Why it was so empty I have no idea as the line up of Broken Bells, The Black Keys, Phoenix and My Chemical Romance seemed like they could draw a crowd (yes I’m leaving Smashing Pumpkins out on purpose). Or was this a case of just too many disparate bands? Continue reading “Show Review: Live 105 Not So Silent Night with Smashing Pumpkins, My Chemical Romance, Phoenix, The Black Keys and Broken Bells at HP Pavillion 12/10/10”
Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 12/09/10-12/15/10

I know that it’s pretty rainy out here in the Bay Area, and also very cold, so going to shows is a tough thing to do, but I think that these options are worth braving the elements!
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 12/09/10-12/15/10”
Spinning Platters Picks Six: Albums I Am Thankful For
On Thanksgiving, the holiday season begins with family, stuffing your face, and thinking of the things you can give thanks to. As a music nerd I would like to take time to thank the albums that have changed my life in one way or another. Some of them have brought me comfort through the years and others have helped to shape my musical taste and turned me in to the reviewer I am today. Some may surprise you and others should be extremely obvious to those who know me. To all of the artists involved I say a warm thank you and a happy holidays. To you, dear readers, hopefully one of these albums can bring you a little warmth on a cold winter day. Continue reading “Spinning Platters Picks Six: Albums I Am Thankful For”