Single Of The Week: SNIPERS by blackgirlsaremagic

This week’s Single of the Week is an intense one. It comes from Oakland’s very own blackgirlsaregood. The nom de plume of local multimedia artist and author Nick Lovett. The song is a dark, sweeping piece about police activity during the recent wave of Black Lives Matter protests. This one is specifically calling out the presence of snipers during peaceful marches. It’s a chilling, vital piece.

You can download this track from blackgirlsaregood’s Bandcamp page. And, since today is Juneteenth, Bandcamp is donating 100% of their portion of the proceeds to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. So buy a bunch of blackgirldaregood music, or any indie music you have been thinking of picking up. 

Film Review: 7500

Gordon-Levitt shines in smart airplane hijacking nail-biter

First Officer Tobias Ellis (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) attempts to stay calm after his plane is hijacked.

If you’ve been frustrated that you haven’t been able to fly anywhere for months now and have spent hours daydreaming about your next air travel jaunt, the new picture 7500 will snap you out of your reverie, and make you glad you’re stuck safely on the ground. The smart, taut thriller starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt has a few problematic story elements, but mostly succeeds as a unique take on the typical Hollywood trouble-in-the-sky action pic.

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Single Of The Week: Back For More by Kat Meoz

This week’s single of the week comes from Venezuelan-American Singer/Songwriter Kat Meoz. “Back For More” is an exhilarating blend pop beats with heavy as fuck guitars, calling to mind Sleigh Bells in many ways. Only she has more than a hint of dirty, bluesy swagger. Imagine if Jon Spencer Blues Explosion worked with an 808, and then upped the dirty/sexy thing by like 100 degrees. That’s what Kat Meoz is giving with this track, and it’s EXACTLY what I needed to hear this week. 

“Back For More” can be found in all the usual places. Expect to hear a lot more from her later this year!

A Reflection on PJ Harvey’s Dry

Twenty eight years ago PJ Harvey released her debut album. Dry is a vital part of the collective howl of early 90s feminist punk, a subgenre defined by women with loud  guitars who demanded a seat at the musical table. Bands like Bikini Kill, Le Tigre, Hole, Babes in Toyland, Sleater-Kinney and L7 pushed against the erasure of women in punk and changed the landscape of popular music forever.  Continue reading “A Reflection on PJ Harvey’s Dry

Ways You Can Support Artists AND Help Fight Police Brutality and Systemic Racism

Photo courtesy Raymond Ahner

That headline is a mouthful, isn’t it? It’s been difficult processing all of my feelings about everything that has happened this year… From Australian burning to the destruction of Nashville to COVID-19, this year has been a rough one, but it’s been particularly bad for the music business. Yet, in the last few weeks, coming off the heels of the tragic deaths of Breonna Taylor and Charles Floyd, there has been an outpouring if activity coming from musicians, all donating to worthy causes that will fight the infrastructure that has led to so many innocent people of color dying at the hands of the people they pay to serve and protect them. 

All I am asking of you is to do something you probably want to do anyways: buy merch from your favorite artists. Many of these artists are leveraging that June 5th is “Bandcamp Day,” where Bandcamp waives their fees, so artists get everything. Here are just a handful of campaigns happening now from some Spinning Platters favorites: 

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Single of the Week: Someone’s Lost Their Goddamn Wallet by MAITA

MAITA is a band from Portland, Oregon that’s fronted by singer/songwriter Maria Maita-Keppeler. “Someone’s Lost Their Goddam Wallet” is the second single to drop off their debut record, Best Wishes. It’s a fun little number that’s great for dancing around to, but also reminds you that parties and such might not be as fun as you recall. Especially when throwing a party is suddenly the deadliest thing on Earth, next to going to work in an office or choir practice at church. It’s exactly what I needed to help deal with the norms of now. 

Best Wishes is out NOW on Kill Rock Stars, and it’s FANTASTIC. You should buy it TODAY on Bandcamp, because not only is Bandcamp not taking a commission on sales today, but Kill Rock Stars is donating 20% of all sales to community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizations through ActBlue. So buy a few records today, actually. Pick up the Elliot Smith, Marnie Stern, Deerhoof, and many other great Kill Rock Stars releases that you should already own but don’t. 

Oh, and if you either forget to buy stuff today, or you want to split your purchases, on Juneteenth (June 19th), Bandcamp is donating their proceeds to NAACP Action Fund

Film Review: The Vast of Night

Living on the outskirts of Area 51

I’ve been struggling with The Vast of Night, not the film, which is a solid if uneven debut from Andrew Patterson, and streaming now on Amazon Prime Video. Not the film… the title!

Continue reading “Film Review: The Vast of Night

Single of the Week: New Mood / LPX

I’m desperate for exhilarating music these days. Every bit of information out there is draining the soul, and some days it feels like we will never have good news. One of the few things that has turned that around for me lately is the latest single from LPX, “New Mood.” This song is ferocious. This song is angry. This song is also optimistic and perky has hell. This is one of those songs that forces you to take whatever is hurting your reality (which is the pandemic that’s hurting EVERYONE IN THE WORLD), and forces you to squash that and take your life back over. This song is vital listening for anyone that needs to escape the hell of now and get motivated to live. 

God bless you, LPX. 

“New Mood” is the first single off LPX’s upcoming, as yet untitled EP, due out this Summer. You can listen / buy this track here, and don’t forget to follow her on Twitter and Instagram to get up to do info on preordering what may be the soundtrack to your Summer. 

Single of the Week: Is The Season For New Incarnations by Brigid Dawson at The Mothers Network

Brigid Dawson spent years as part of San Francisco’s Thee Oh Sees, providing additional percussion and haunting harmonies to counter the psychedelic assault going on in the foreground. When Thee Oh Sees frontman John Dwyer relocated to Los Angeles, he broke up the original band, leaving Dawson out of the mix, and kind of changing the color of the band a bit. Dawson and Dwyer reunited in 2017 to record a record under the name OCS called Memory Of A Cut Off Head, which, in my humble opinion, is the best Dwyer work since Coachwhips’ Bangers vs Fuckers. This record also brought Dawson’s voice into the foreground, really showing off her stunning chops. I’ve been waiting for Dawson to finally take the limelight, and we get to enjoy that today with our single of the week, “Is The Season For New Incarnations.” It’s a stunning, slow burning, psych number that spins around the brain in beautiful ways. I’ve listened to it at least 10 times today. 

“Is The Season For New Incarnations” is the lead track off Brigid Dawson & The Mothers Network’s debut record Ballet of Apes. This record can be streamed in all the usual places, and can be purchased at your local record store. Which, I might add, is likely to be open for curbside pickup, so please give them a call so you can grab this and other records today! 

Single Of The Week: Something by Avataria

Avataria is the alias of Niki Avataria, a musician from Philadelphia, PA. She’s been putting out excellent singles for a number of years now, but she’s been on a roll lately with fine EPs. “Something” is the first single off her forthcoming EP, Inside Out, due out June 5th. This is an anxious number that helps encapsulate that feeling of wanting all of this to be over and for us to make it through the chaos of today safe and sound. Is that the writer’s intent? I have no idea, but this song feels like a warm hug that both say, “I totally get what you are going through, and I want the same. And, you know what? I think we are actually going to be fine. It’s just tough right now, and it’s really hard to stay patient.” 

Inside Out can be preordered through Bandcamp, or if you are more of the “streaming” type, you can get your resave situated right here