Single of the Week: “Auld Anxi” by Metric

I’ve had one frightening thought that has repeated in my head throughout most of the last four years, but has been amplified greatly over the course of the last 8 months: “Many Americans are so against the notion of caring about each other that when faced with the prospect of doing ANYTHING that will help improve the lives of one another, the request itself won’t just be shrugged off, but will be treated with such utter scepticism that the request itself would be viewed as purely evil and certainly will destroy our way of life.” The reality of life isn’t quite as dire as that, but the anxiety lives on. Emily Haines has always had a great gift for writing about anxiety in a clear, empathic manner. “Auld Anxi” is a rewrite of the classic “Auld Lang Syne” that might be one of the more optimistic songs ever written about anxiety. It’s like getting the warm hug from a dear friend that understands you and listens without judgement that we so badly need right now, but aren’t likely to get for another several months.  

Today is the first day of 2021. This means we made it through that hellscape of 2020. I hate how few of us made it through, and it sucks that things are going to keep getting worse for a bit. BUT- the light is at the end of the tunnel. We have less than three weeks of the Trump administration left. The first two vaccines have been approved in the US, and there’s likely to be one more in the next week or two. For now, stay safe- mask up if you MUST leave your home, if you still are working, give money to causes that will help people stay home that otherwise are forced to put themselves in dangerous situations for survival. I love you, dear reader, and I want you to be there when we can finally get back to shows next year.