HOW DID I GET HERE with Rakel Mjöll of Dream Wife

Rakel Mjöll is the lead singer of the UK punk band Dream Wife. This conversation was witty and full of positive, inspirational energy. Also, nothing has made me want to get drenched in shared sweat at a rock show more than this chat. Dream Wife’s third full-length, Social Lubrication, is available to preorder here and is in stores on June 9th. UK Fans (or those willing to pay more for shipping than the cost of the album) can get one of the few remaining extra-creepy gel-sleeve editions of the album here. (UK Fans coming to the US after this ship and looking for a present for me? This is a good option.)

Tour Dates can be found here, and once again, I’d love to dance with you at Bottom Of The Hill on the 20th of September!

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