10 Quick Questions with Gregg Gordon of GIGART

Just one of many great prints Gregg has done
Just one of many great prints Gregg has done

This weekend brings the TRPS Festival of Rock Posters in Golden Gate Park.  To celebrate, I’ll be going as both a journalist and a customer, bringing back interviews with artists, photos of the proceedings, and more posters to add to my flat file.  To kick off our coverage, I caught up with local artist Gregg Gordon who goes professionally by GIGART.  I first met him at the Ledson Winery when he was walking around with his portfolio, showing off some of his earlier work, and I’ve been following his career ever since.  Thanks to Gregg for answering our questions.

Spinning Platters:  What was the first work of art you did for money? Continue reading “10 Quick Questions with Gregg Gordon of GIGART”

Week in Review: Top 5 Posts for Sept 25 – Oct 1

Kylie towered over the competition
Kylie towered over the competition

This week at Spinning Platters was the Kylie Minogue show.  In one day, she took over our #1 all-time most-read post as well as giving us the busiest day in our site’s history.   Cheers to Kylie!  I hope you enjoy your time in America as much as we are.  So who won the battle for second place? Continue reading “Week in Review: Top 5 Posts for Sept 25 — Oct 1”

Album Review: Music Go Music – Expressions

lp jacket.edit

Expressions by Music Go Music releases on Secretly Canadian on October 6, 2009

Music Go Music are a recent discovery of mine.  When I saw them open for Little Boots at The Independent a couple of weeks ago, I made remarks about how they’re well on their way to being my favorite band.  Since then, I’d been waiting to get my hands on their debut album, Expressions.  I finally did yesterday, and I’ve been spending all day long listening to it and finding out interesting facts about the band.  If I told you that I ordered the vinyl from Insound twenty minutes ago, would you think I might like the album? Continue reading “Album Review: Music Go Music — Expressions”

Show Review: Kylie Minogue at The Fox Oakland, 9/30/09

The stage was hardly big enough to contain Kylie's show.
The stage was hardly big enough to contain Kylie's show.

First off, a spoiler warning.  Although usually seen in movie reviews, I think one applies here.  If you don’t want to know what songs she played, how many costume changes there were, and how she reworked some of her classic songs, then read no further.  If, on the other hand, you want to know what’s coming soon, or you aren’t going to have a chance to see for yourself, jump on board, take a ride, yeah. Continue reading “Show Review: Kylie Minogue at The Fox Oakland, 9/30/09”

Show Review: The Postmarks and Saturday Club at Hotel Utah, 9/29/09

Swirling lights kept the lead singer in the comfortable darkness.
Swirling lights kept the lead singer in the comfortable darkness.

It will be a bit surprising to regular readers of this site that last night was my first ever visit to Hotel Utah, but I finally made it over there to see The Postmarks and Brookville for an early Tuesday night show. When I arrived, a sign announced that Brookville’s lead singer had a family emergency, and instead, the other members of the band would be performing as Saturday Club.  Having never heard Brookville before, I found myself unable to be too disappointed, although I had been hoping to check them out as well. Continue reading “Show Review: The Postmarks and Saturday Club at Hotel Utah, 9/29/09”

Spinning Platters Picks Six: Gems from My British Top 30 Tape

I'm pretty sure this was the model of my first tape deck.  That was a while ago, though.  Could be wrong.
I'm pretty sure this was the model of my first tape deck. That was a while ago, though. Could be wrong.

Getting my first tape deck was an amazing event in my life.  I went from constantly living on the whim of the DJ to being able to program my own little radio station of my favorite songs.  The one recorded-from-radio mixtape I listened to most often before it met its sad and sudden end at some point in the early 90s was a 60-minute cassette of songs recorded in 1985 off of a radio show called The British Top 30.  This show was amazing because it played songs by bands I’d never heard of, and surely never would.  And then some songs from bands I had heard of, but new songs!  How exciting!  Imagine being able to hear songs that magically appear from all the way around the world! Continue reading “Spinning Platters Picks Six: Gems from My British Top 30 Tape”

Show Review: Living Colour and Fishbone at The Regency Center, 9/25/09

Corey Glover is dressed like a serial killer because he murdered it.
Corey Glover is dressed like a serial killer because he murdered it.

Seeing Living Colour and Fishbone on the same bill is my 1991 fever dream.  Put Primus on there, too, and I may have passed out from excitement.  As it is, I was pretty darned excited to be seeing these bands together.  While I’d seen Living Colour a couple of times recently, I hadn’t checked in on Fishbone for more than a dozen years.  I was ready for a loud funky night in the city. Continue reading “Show Review: Living Colour and Fishbone at The Regency Center, 9/25/09”

10 Quick Questions with The Postmarks


Last week on our podcast, I mentioned that I am really enjoying The Postmarks, my “favorite Scottish band from Florida.”  It turns out that they are either fans of the Spinning Platters podcast or they search for themselves online, because the next thing I knew, I was emailing them 10 Quick Questions.  I also plan to check them out this Tuesday night the 29th at Hotel Utah, and hope to see you all there.  But first, on to the questions and answers from lead singer Tim Yehezkely:

Spinning Platters:  How would you describe your music to a friend who hasn’t heard you yet? Continue reading “10 Quick Questions with The Postmarks”

Week in Review: Top 5 Posts for Sept 18-24

Steven Wilson wants you to check out the top posts of the week.
Steven Wilson wants you to check out the top posts of the week.

This week at Spinning Platters, we reviewed lots of shows, plenty of albums, and made some lists.  For our new week in review feature, I’ll let you in on what our Top 5 most trafficked new posts were, and invite you to check them out if you haven’t already.   Come back this weekend for review of Living Colour with Fishbone, and follow us at @SpinnPlatt for plenty of giddy drunken remarks live from The Zoopy Show.  Now, click through to see our busiest posts of the week. Continue reading “Week in Review: Top 5 Posts for Sept 18-24”

Show Review: Manic Street Preachers and Nico Vega at The Fillmore, 9/24/09

Same jacket, different show.
Same jacket, different show.

I’m wholly unqualified to a review a Manic Street Preachers show.  This is because I’m an American.  The Manics (as I’ll refer to them for the rest of our time together) never did have any hits stateside.  They were always a cult band here, and I was never part of that cult.  If I were to make a ranked list of all the Britpop bands that I like (as opposed to ones I’m either ambivalent about or dislike), the Manics would be at the bottom of that list.  They’d make the list, for sure, but they’d be right below Ash, and apologies to Kula Shaker.  That said, I’m going to review it anyway. Continue reading “Show Review: Manic Street Preachers and Nico Vega at The Fillmore, 9/24/09”