Show Review: Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival at Shoreline Amphitheater, 7/1/12

I think these guys may have been part of the Christian organization protesting the show from the parking lot. (All Photos by Alan Ralph)


I don’t listen to heavy metal music very often. There are two or three records that I pull out on rare occasion to fill a certain void, but at no time would I consider myself part of the movement. So, when the opportunity fell in my lap to cover Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival, I wasn’t entirely sure if I was the right man for the job. But, I do really like Motörhead, and life isn’t about doing the safe thing. So, I decided to throw caution to the wind and see what happens when I spend an entire day absorbed in the metallic crunch of a heavy metal show. I put on my most “metal” of t-shirts, which was, most ironically, a Yelle T-shirt that was all black and had “Dance Or Die” written in bold red.

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Show Review: Summerland Tour: Everclear, Sugar Ray, Gin Blossoms, Lit, Marcy Playground at Mountain Winery, 6/28/12

Art Alexakis and Mark McGrath: Your Tour Organizers

When I first heard about this Summerland tour, I didn’t believe it. As a punker kid in high school, these were all bands that I was too good for.  I would only listen to Live 105 or KOME in secret, while I told my friends that I was listening to bands like The Queers or cub. I did see Everclear back in the day, but only because they opened for Primus. Sugar Ray? I saw because Save Ferris and Goldfinger were opening. But I secretly enjoyed these bands. Even when this tour was booked, my gut was to be an angsty 16 year old and make fun of it. But, secretly, I really wanted to go. Since I am much more comfortable with my own skin, I decided to own my nostalgia and make the long trek from Oakland to Saratoga, a city that most Oaklanders aren’t even aware of.

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Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 6/28/12 – 7/4/12

Appearing at the Mountain Winery on Thursday

Happy Independence Day! That’s why you are getting the rare list where nearly every band is from the US. And the only English band has an umlaut in it’s name.  Alright, enough chatter:

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Show Review: Natalie Merchant w/ San Francisco Symphony at Davies Symphony Hall, 6/18/12

Natalie Merchant at a show in Northampton earlier this year. Thank you, .reid. for sharing!


As a self professed music nerd, it’s almost embarrassing that I don’t go see the San Francisco Symphony more often. We are really lucky to have a world class orchestra in are backyard, playing nearly every night. Davies Symphony Hall is also one of the most perfect rooms to experience live music in, where every seat has an excellent view, and the sound is near perfect. This is my first time here since I took my dad to see PDQ Bach in 2008. And it took a pop musician to bring me there. Natalie Merchant, best known as the lead vocalist for 10,000 Maniacs, isn’t your average pop singer, and the idea of that majestic voice backed by a full orchestra sounded like a perfect combination.

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Show Review: Jenny Lewis with Nik Freitas at Swedish American Hall, 6/16/12

It’s been a few years since Jenny Lewis last graced our presence. In the two years since the release of I’m Having Fun Now, her Rilo Kiley bandmate Blake Sennett declared the band broken up, and her first ever acoustic tour (which would have included her first appearance at Neil Young’s annual Bridge School Benefit) ended up getting derailed due to a family emergency. When she finally returned to San Francisco, so booked the incredibly intimate and historic Swedish American Hall, and it sold out in moments. Since this show was initially announced in late Summer of 2011, people have been waiting almost a year for this show. This show was a big deal.

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Show Review: Ume with Kitten at Bottom Of The Hill, 6/13/12

Mr & Mrs Larson (All Photos by Marie Carney)


My editor in chief and I had an interesting conversation by text specifically about my musical tastes. I confessed that it seems that the older I get, the more I like louder, faster, more aggressive music, and this seems to be counter the normal musical evolution. He made note that loud, fast music isn’t really fashionable right now, and that the main reason I relate to it is because I feel the need to counter mainstream musical taste. There’s a chance that he’s right. There is a better chance that the rest of the world is simply missing the glory of a dynamic performance by a ferocious rock band. And, on a beautiful Summer’s night in Potrero Hill, we were treated to an amazing evening of all that is loud and fast.

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Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 6/14/12-6/20/12

Thursday Night At The Fillmore

There is absolutely no reason for you to ever stay in on any night of the week. Well, except for the night that Nickelback are playing. You can stay in that night.

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Show Review: Kurt Vile and The Violators with Black Bananas and True Widow at The Fillmore, 5/30/12

All Photos by Drew Beck

There are so many artists that have been given the role of “New Dylan,” that it’s practically a genre unto itself. Kurt Vile is one of the many who have fallen victim to such a label. He has put out four great solo records, and countless EP’s of great singer/songwriter music, and although there is a bit if a Dylan influence, his sound is much more than that. SpinningPlatters had the pleasure to witness his recent performance at The Fillmore, alongside is fantastic backing band, The Violators.

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Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 6/7/12-6/13/12

At Bottom Of The Hill on Wednesday.

I like all the different people
I like sticky everywhere
Look around, you bet I’ll be there!
Hot metal in the sun
Pony in the air
Sooey and saints at the fair

Saints alive you’re saying
Walk in … squares
The hid are out, out for the year
It’s a lot of face
A lot of crank air
Eroding around here

Summer’s ready
Summer is ready when you are

Sorry, The Breeders aren’t playing…

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Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 5/31/12-6/6/12

This Tuesday at The Fox!

The Bay Area is a great place to live because, well, we are never without amazing live music.

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