Single of the Week: “The Tree b/w Get The Hell Out Of Here” by Maren Morris

Country music is a messy, messy place these days. The narrative seems to always be dominated by the Jason Aldeans and Toby Keiths, and Morgan Wallens, folks that dominate the mainstream not because they make good music but because they speak to the petty grievances of right-wing America. (I’m not putting Oliver Anthony in this boat, and someday I’ll write a real blog post about that song, but I don’t think he’s saying what people think he’s saying with that song.) Anyway, I’ve already said too much about despicable white men who are deathly afraid of losing power and control. I’m much more interested in the people looking to speak the truth, unafraid of losing power. Maren Morris’ new EP, The Bridgedoes just that. It’s a direct rebuttal of “Try That In A Small Town,” two singles about the crushing weight of hate in this country and how to navigate it. Neither of the tracks are actually political anthems. She’s managed to hit that specific feeling of being overwhelmed by the hell we are in, and sometimes it feels like we are just doomed, but we’ve gotta take a step out and rest and then get back to work, because we are all humans and need to treat each other as such. 

Anyways… I’m also on Day 12 of testing positive for my first ever COVID-19 infection (and hoping hard to test negative tomorrow and finally leave my room) and feeling SUPER angry about how we don’t have any sufficient ways to protect ourselves while still existing and such. So, yeah, I’m feeling raw and Maren Morris is like a nice weighted blanket telling me that I’m not alone, and maybe, just maybe, we will get through this. The Bridge is out now and is available on all your DSPs. Hopefully, we will see a physical release, too!