Single Of The Week: Take Back The Radio by Katy J Pearson

I have an obsession with songs about music. I also have an obsession with big, bright songs that build into a crescendo of pure joy. “Take Back The Radio” by Katy J Pearson gives you both of these things. This is the song I most needed to hear today, the song I needed to motivate myself to make things, to get productive and make the best out of the situation that is the here and now. Pearson has the perfect Stevie Nicks quiver, backed by a wall of sound reminiscent of 00’s Flaming Lips, AIR, or Mellow. This song will be on repeat over your headphones as it is mine, too. 

“Take Back The Radio” is a stand alone single and can be streamed in all the usual places. You can also head over to Bandcamp to purchase any of her singles, or some Merch! Also, remember that Bandcamp is waiving their fees for all purchases today, as well as the first Friday of June and July this month, so every penny you spend goes straight to the performer.