“I’m not going to the Folsom Street Fair, but my footwear is!”
Officially, this is the last weekend of Summer. Which means, of course, a lot of weird festivals. Including a 90’s rock festival, a leather fest, and an amazing multiband gig full of wonderful jangle pop!
This evening with Sondre Lerche and friends reminded me about why I go to shows. The right performer can take their music and twist it just the right amount to bring you something new and dynamic with their live show. Sondre Lerche, with his sweet pop/rock sounds on record will rock the hell out of you live; jumping around and playing his guitar hard. It is unexpected and quite punk rock of him. Add to that a great accompanying band and his intricate melodies and you get a show to remember. Continue reading “Show Review: Sondre Lerche with Nightlands and Kishi Bashi at Great American Music Hall, 6/28/11”
Seriously folks…. What’s with all of these unGoogleable band names? Do you really think that’s a good idea? Some really great bands like BOBBY, Parachute, and Comma are all playing this week… And, I’m sorry, but you really need to sell yourselves hard at these shows so people remember you, and don’t end up finding Brady Bunch clips, airplane safety gear, or a book on grammar.
Another SXSW has passed, and this year, I intended on doing a daily diary, but the internet kind of sucked in our hotel, and I also really wanted to sleep, so instead you get this: a big, huge list of everything awesome at SXSW, including some amazing day parties thrown by our friends at Terrorbird, Force Field PR, Ticketfly, SPIN, NPR, and MOG (thanks!), leaving me pretty tired and delirious. For those of you that don’t want to read, I’ll sum it up: Best bands that I’ve never heard of before were Attic Ted, The Death Set, and DOM. The Kills did not kill, but TV On The Radio, Death From Above 1979, and The Dead Milkmen all played great comeback sets. Now, sit back, relax, have a Shiner Bock and read on:
Heartbeat Radio - The musical version of a Snuggie?
Just in case you didn’t already know, Sondre Lerche is an indie-pop singer/songwriter from Norway. Heartbeat Radio is his sixth album and it has the more polished sound that a sixth album should have. It sounds like classic 60’s s pop songwriting with modern indie instrumentation. What exactly does that sound like? Like your parents favorite songs played by your favorite indie-pop band. Could be the greatest thing ever, but does it really work? Continue reading “Album Review: Sondre Lerche — Heartbeat Radio”