Outside Lands 2022: 20 Instant Gig Reviews

My last Outside Lands was in 2019. I’ve gone nearly every year up until that point, only missing the third year. I had tickets for 2021. Lizzo, The Strokes, and Hinds are all on my “never miss” list, but by October, Delta was rearing its ugly head, and I just couldn’t do it. This year, I was still on the fence until the week beforehand. With BA.5, the virus has become more contagious, and outdoor transmission is more prevalent. However, with wastewater tracking showing a downward trend, toddler vaccines FINALLY seeing the light of day, and studies seem to indicate that N95s and a good breeze are still very effective at thwarting the virus, I decided to give it a go. I packed like ten masks, two packs of antibacterial wipes (which made me the most popular guy at the festival at times. One woman actually proposed marriage when I gave her the end of one of my packs!), an empty water bottle, and several layers of clothing, and decided to make a solid go of it.  Continue reading “Outside Lands 2022: 20 Instant Gig Reviews”