It’s been two and a half years since the start of the pandemic. For many of us, things have begun to feel increasingly “normal” again, whatever that means. For me, that means seeing live music regularly, and I couldn’t be happier to have this opportunity back. Every once in a while, I even get to see a live show right here in my hometown of Napa. This was the case late last week when Rodrigo y Gabriela graced the outdoor stage at Charles Krug for Blue Note Napa‘s summer sessions.
Tag: Rodrigo y Gabriela
Show Review: Rodrigo y Gabriela at the Masonic, 9/16/2015

Three years ago, I noted that one of the most exciting moments of Rodrigo y Gabriela’s concert was when the Mexican guitar slayers left their accompanying musicians in the background, and took center stage to melt faces and rock bodies with their breakneck-pace blend of Latin-meets-thrash nuevo flamenco. I was excited to see the extra depth and complexity that C.U.B.A. added to their pieces, but ultimately I had missed the mesmerizing speed and magnificent chemistry that was so utterly more palpable when the two were playing solely off of each other. With their most recent tour, in support of their fourth album 9 Dead Alive, Rodrigo y Gabriela have returned to their solo takeover of the stage, and brought with them an astonishing level of energy and joyous camaraderie that is remarkable to behold.
Continue reading “Show Review: Rodrigo y Gabriela at the Masonic, 9/16/2015”
Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 5/8/14-5/14/14

Thursday, May 8th Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 5/8/14-5/14/14”
Show Review: Rodrigo y Gabriela and C.U.B.A. at The Fox Oakland, 4/5/2012

Transitioning from being a solo artist (or in this case, a minimalistic acoustic duo) to having a full band behind you is a great risk, no matter what type of musician chooses to take it. Your songs transform, in scope and shape, in feel and form, and the result can either pull in a larger audience than ever before, or cause even the most adoring critics to suddenly turn their noses up at you. Such a dramatic shift in the mood and presentation of your art requires a great deal of work and dedication to perfecting your craft, and it may even require you to explore new methods of songwriting and arrangement that you had never approached within your career. When Mexican thrash-flamenco maestros Rodrigo y Gabriela traveled to Havana and recorded their new album, Area 52, with a host of 13 Cuban musicians (tonight appearing in the form of musical ensemble C.U.B.A.), fans and critics alike paled at the thought of the super-concentrated thrill of the pair’s frenetic guitar mastery drowning in a sea of lush but overwhelming sound. On their 2012 tour, the two have set out to prove that none of the magic that they’ve amazed audiences the world over with has disappeared; indeed, new life has been breathed into it, as it scales into a higher, deeper, and even more magnificent form.
Continue reading “Show Review: Rodrigo y Gabriela and C.U.B.A. at The Fox Oakland, 4/5/2012”
New Release Round-Up, 9/8/09 – 31 Instant Album Reviews

I listen to a lot of music on It’s a great way to find new artists on new album day. But you have to sift through a lot of crap. Since I’ve been wading in music-waste for the past few months, it was suggested that I’d be a great guide as to what to skip and what to enjoy. These reviews will be by no means professional. Just one dude listening to music and reacting. Continue reading “New Release Round-Up, 9/8/09 — 31 Instant Album Reviews”