Sketchfest Review: SF Sketchfest Threesome: Clare O’Kane, Alex Koll, Amy Miller at Punchline, 1/24/19

SF Sketchfest showcases a range of comedy performances, including lesser known local acts, such as in “SF Sketchfest Threesome,” where three headliners are giving half an hour each to perform their standup routines. They also a few different stand up showcases that spotlight some lesser known talent. The “SF Sketchfest Threesome” is one of those events. This one takes three headliners, and gives them all an equal amount if time (30 Minutes), and the order is seemingly random. Continue reading “Sketchfest Review: SF Sketchfest Threesome: Clare O’Kane, Alex Koll, Amy Miller at Punchline, 1/24/19”