Single of the Week: “Fitness” by Snõõper

Looking for a nice, relaxing 20 minutes song played at a breakneck pace, so the whole song is played in under 2 minutes? Well, “Fitness” by Snõõper is the track for you! I wouldn’t actually try working out to this song because, well, you would definitely die. That being said, I think this song makes me want to ACTUALLY train hard enough to compete in a natural bodybuilding competition. So, yeah, gonna go buy some eggs and asparagus and get ripped in 1:45 chunks. (Also, this video is fantastic)

“Fitness” can be enjoyed in all the usual places RIGHT NOW. Their debut album, Super Snõõper, is coming your way on July 14th from Third Man Records. This means Jack White is a fan of breakneck perky punk rock, too! You can fully prepare for July 14th both virtually and physically here, and Snõõper is playing Mosswood Meltdown AND a Mosswood Meltdown After Party, both July 2nd in Oakland, CA,  if you are the type that doesn’t like experiencing the sun and music at the same time. Tickets for both are available here