From the "whatever happened to?" file: One of these people is playing a show this week.
So, I’ve spend the last few days drooling over the Treasure Island Festival line up… So much that I almost forgot to do this. But, that would be sad for everyone out there, because this week is awesome. Besides, there are great shows every night until that shindig happens.
Este es el Cinco de Mayo edición de la lista semanal Mostrar, por lo que, por supuesto, me vino a la traductor Google, sólo para ver lo que pasó. Apuesto a que es todo un galimatías, pero le hará saber de esta manera codificada que tenemos un concurso. Correo electrónico para ganar 2 entradas para ver A-Trak y Kid Sister a Mezzanine el 16 de Mayo. Comprar Entradas Aquí!
If anybody thinks bats are ugly, make them look at this picture. And go see one of their two shows Tuesday night.
Outside Lands Festival is this weekend, which has booked nearly every touring act hitting the west coast in late summer, making it a tough to find something else to do… But, I’ve compiled the list for all of the people that aren’t willing to pay $100 a day to hike through Golden Gate Park.
If you insist on supporting the big mega-festival, here’s the schedule by day and by night. And if you have a spare 3-day pass that you just feel like giving to a sad blogger that can’t afford one, e-mail me at, or you can join me at one of these shows:
(Note: You can also e-mail if you think your show is deserving of being on my list… Just link me to sound samples, and e-mail me by Friday the week prior to the show. As you can see, I do my list Tuesday-Monday.)