Show Review: August Burns Red 20th Anniversary in Las Vegas

Photos and review by: Alan Ralph @AlanHasPicks

Every band has an actual start date that they can say is their official beginning.  Likewise, every album has an actual official release date.  Somewhere along the way, some band somewhere was probably in-between albums and decided that their anniversary would make a great reason to tour… and well, the idea caught on, and is still going strong.

No one appears to like anniversaries more than August Burns Red. They have had quite a few anniversary tours — there was the 10th anniversary of their album Messengers in 2016, the 10th anniversary of their album Constellations in 2019, and the 10th anniversary of their album Leveler in 2021. For each of these tours, the entire album was performed. Now in 2023, there is the current 20th anniversary tour… not of an album, but of the band itself! Continue reading “Show Review: August Burns Red 20th Anniversary in Las Vegas”

SF Sketchfest 20th Anniversary Dates Announced!

GOOD NEWS! Our good friends at SF Sketchfest decided NOT to try to squeeze yet another festival into the hyper-crowded Fall 2021 space. Instead, they are coming back next year for their usual “just after the frenzy of the holidays are over and just before work gets busy again” slot in mid-January. Specifically, January 7th – 23rd. This is extra exciting because it’s their 20th installment of the event, and one can assume that it will be a little apeshit. 

If you are a comic / sketch troupe / audacious soul, they are accepting submissions here. However, it appears Scott Baio and Ricky Schroeder probably shouldn’t apply because SF requires all attendees, performers, and staff to show proof of vaccination. So if you want to enjoy the 20th SF Sketchfest, please, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, GET VACCINATED!!! It’s free. They are effective. And I’m so sick of me having to put COVID disclaimers on EVERYTHING.