Single Of The Week: No Gifts For Nazis by Alice Bag

Not enough people have been talking about Alice Bag’s big comeback. One of the original LA punks, she was featured prominently in the original Decline Of Western Civilization  before leaving music to focus on activism. Jump to 2016 and she put out an amazing new record, and then another, and now she’s got the perfect Christmas single! For those living in England, it’s probably a really good day to blast this one as loud as you can.

Alice Bag will be sharing the stage with fellow Decline.. veterans Circle Jerks, as well as Bikini Kill, Plastic Bertrand, Carbonas, Bleached, Panty Raid, and many, many more at Burger Boogaloo in Oakland on July 10th-11th. You can still get special early bird tickets NOW! These are going fast and make great Christmas gifts. Just please don’t buy them for any Nazis.