Single Of The Week: “disappearing girl” by the aquadolls

I spend hours listening to tracks trying to find the perfect Single Of The Week for you. Sometimes I don’t make it more than 10-15 seconds. Other times I find myself repeating the song 10-15 times in a row. “disappearing girl” definitely falls into the latter. With every listen, I pick up on some other element that makes my heart do that bubbly warm thing when a song is just great. And this song has it all: a catchy chorus, disjointed rhythms and time changes, potent, emotive vocals that *almost* crack at the right moment, a fun video, a Sonic Youth reference. Jesus. It’s just SO GOOD! 

“disappearing girl” can be enjoyed now in all of the usual places. I’ve since gone down a YouTube rabbit hole with the band. You should, too!