Single Of The Week: “Chaise Longue” by Wet Leg

Live from the Isle of Wight comes, um, not The Who. Instead, we have the debut single from recent Domino Records signees Wet Leg. The song is called “Chaise Longue” and it’s a riff-heavy dance/rock number that is going to fill you with immense joy. Well, it will if you like dry, witty lyrics combined with an infectious groove that makes you long for the days of dancing in a sweaty club together. (SO SOON!!) Imagine the colorful witticisms and guitar mastery of Courtney Barnett combined with the elegant smuttiness of Jarvis Cocker and blasting at Popscene circa 2003. 

“Chaise Longue” is streaming in all of the usual places. Will we hear more from them? I sure as hell hope so. They are also touring the UK this fall, and I hope a trip across the pond will be happening sooner than later.