Single Of The Week: Bitch On Wheels by Body Double

“Bitch On Wheels” is the second single off Oakland-based punk band Body Double’s forthcoming album, Milk Fed. It’s a dreamy, fuzzy song with a wonderfully weird video attached. If you want to really understand what “awkward bliss” is, this is the track that will teach you about that. If that isn’t enough of a selling point, here’s what bandleader Candace Lazarou has to say about the track:

“At around 30 years old, underground musicians start admitting they like very popular bands. It’s too exhausting being niche! I wrote “Bitch On Wheels” right after I was in an all-girl Nine Inch Nails cover band called Miss Piggy, and I was finally forced to love a synthesizer. This song heavily features an Akai AX60, which I like because it only listens to my instructions half the time.”

Now I really want to see Miss Piggy play live, which will hopefully happen after the pandemic is over. In the meantime, you can preorder Milk Fed here on vinyl, or here on the streaming platforms. The record is due out September 18th!