Noise Pop Preview: Fast Times Presents

Amid mask mandate confusion (NOTE: venues are still mandating masks in SF, so MASK UP AND DON’T KILL YOUR BARTENDER), uncertainty in Ukraine, and a general malaise of life, I forgot about Noise Pop this year! But, my good friend Ashley Graham of Fast Times Presents reminded me that there is still joy in this world, and if you feel safe, she’s got a nice assortment of events this week. And if you don’t feel safe going out, you should re-listen to our interview with her from late 2020!

Wednesday, February 23rd

Half Stack, World Smasher, Flowertown at Bender’s

Oakland’s finest country band is headlining a lovely, free happy hour set at Bender’s from 5-8 pm. Some of my finest Noise Pop memories are from this place. Also, they serve tater tots. 

Thursday, February 24th

Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure with live music from Thunder Boys and Shutups

The greatest movie ever made about homework + Oakland’s favorite pop-punkers signed to Kill Rock Stars? Yeah, I’m jealous of folks that get to go to this. 

Sunday, February 27th

Juice with Hip Hop for Change

Hip Hop for Change is an organization that utilizes hip hop to create societal change. They are one of the best activist organizations in the Bay, and at this event, they are presenting a discussion on the classic film Juice, Tupac Shakur’s first major film role.