Single of the Week: “Fuck Around Phase” by Housewife

Do you know what trend I LOVE? The return of the heavily overdriven guitar tone of the 90s. So many young songwriters, most of whom weren’t even alive yet when alternative radio was littered with the most glorious walls of noise, are incorporating this sound. “Fuck Around Phase” by Housewife is definitely in line with that. Spine-tingling guitars combined with honest, bold, well-crafted lyrics? Sheer Perfection. 

“Fuck Around Phase” is available in all the usual places. Housewife is, somehow, touring with Paolo Nutini? I bet this band is gonna scare a few people at those shows. 

Single Of The Week: “To be honest” by Christine & The Queens

Christine & The Queens is one of the most captivating live acts I’ve ever seen. He puts on a rich show full of emotional range. “To be honest” is, at first, a subtle synth ballad. By the time you reach the end of the track, you’ve been taken on a journey on par with his live act. This very well could be his first real hit single in the states. 

“To be honest” is the first single off PARANOÏA, ANGELS, TRUE LOVE , coming to you June 9th. Also, don’t miss Chris when he brings his spectacular live show to The Regency in SF on April 13th

Single of the Week: “rabits” by madge (featuring ZAND)

A lot of people are going to listen to this song and make it 30 seconds and run away in digust. It’s bluntly vulgar, sonically as subtle as a hand grenade, and switches itself up so often that it’s highly uncomfortable. This song is not comfort food. And it’s not uncomfortable in that way where people who claim to like “uncomfortable” music like it- this isn’t Mr Bungle and it isn’t Peaches. Yet, somehow it’s both at the same time and it sounds like it has major label production, which somehow makes it even harder to listen to. 

But, for those that are willing to open their ears to this track, it’s pretty spectacular. It’s got a sense of humor and really doesn’t care if you like it or not. Madge has struck gold with this track, and I think you should give it a whirl or 70. “rabits” can be enjoyed in all the usual places, and I can’t wait for more, and I hope you can’t either. 

Single Of The Week: “Letter” by Morgan and the Organ Donors

SUPERGROUP ALERT!!! Morgan and the Organ Donors consists of Bikini Kill’s Tobi Vail, C.O.C.O’s Olivia Ness along with James Maeda and Sara Peté. “Letter” is their second single, and it’s reverb-heavy, power-pop meets country piece of hooky goodness. Maybe it’s the name of the song that forced me to think of Alex Chilton, but this track definitely is somewhere between Big Star and Best Coast, with just enough Southern Culture On The Skids to feel like you can smell the PBR and hairspray. Anyways, it’s a solid song and I’m excited to hear more from them.

…which you can if you preorder their debut album, M.O.D.scoming your way on March 31st from the legendary K Records. And you can see them IN PERSON if you come out to Mosswood Meltdown July 1st & 2nd for the single most apeshit festival line up of you life. (Seriously- Bratmobile, Le Tigre, ESG, JJ Fad, Mika Miko, Avengers, GRAVY TRAIN!!!! and so much more!)

Single Of The Week: “Buy You A New Attitude” by Tianna Esperanza

Tianna Esperanza keeps blowing everyone out of the water. In just about a year we are on our third single from her that simply blew my mind. This one is a jazzy throwback number with a sense of humor. The video is fun, too. Her widly eclectic debut record is *finally* out today! Terror, Esperanza’s debut record is out TODAY. You can enjoy it both phyiscally and virtually in all the usual places

Single Of The Week: “Hot (Don’t Date A Musician)” by Dream Wife

I try to avoid picking multiple singles off the same album for “Single Of The Week,” but I damn, Dream Wife are fantastic. “Leech,” the first single from Social Lubrication (due out June 9th!was a pretty passionate and angry song that hit all the right feels for me at that moment. “Hot (Don’t Date A Musician)” is a driving rock number that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Something that’s VITAL. It’s hard to find the fun in life sometimes, and this song doesn’t it nicely. 

Don’t forget to do all the “pre-” things to ensure proper listening enjoyment when Social Lubrication comes your way in June! 

Single of the Week: “My Witch” by Jen Cloher

I love it when an artist surprises me. I’ve enjoyed Jen Cloher for a few years now… She’s put out some good folk-rock records. Those records couldn’t prepare me for “My Witch.” This song is smoldering… It’s an intensely sexy song, which is not necessarily how I’d describe her prior work. It’s fun, it’s provacative, and the video? A group of female presenting and non-binary people of color having the best time ever. And, yeah, there are a few moments that make it *slightly* NSFW. And no part of the video would be Tucker Carslon approved. 

“My Witch” is the latest single off Cloher’s upcoming full length, I Am The River, The River Is Me, due in stores and at you favorite local streaming service on March 3rd. All preperations for this release can be made here

Single Of The Week: “She” by Avataria

Philly’s Avataria is back with a heavy Heart meets St Vincent track called “She.” The nearly industrial, cinematic build-up takes you into a vocal performance that’s simultaneously fragile, confident, angry, and exasperated. How is that possible? Just give it a listen. 

“She” is the first video off Avataria’s first full-length album, Let Go, which has entered our sphere of consciousness TODAY! Streaming info here, but if you are like me and prefer the physical world to the digital, you can purchase the record on wax here! Oh- and she makes custom guitar pedals


Happy New Year! For our first single of the week of 2023, here’s a sweeping ballad from DEBBY FRIDAY.  “SO HARD TO TELL” is simutaneously warm & comforting and dark & sweeping, kind of in the Bjork / Kate Bush school of composition without sounding anything like either. 

“SO HARD TO TELL” is available in all the usual places. Her SubPop debut, Good Luck, is coming to you March 23rd, and is available for pre-order NOW

Single of the Week: “Bite The Hand” by Thank You Come Again

Thank You Come Again do not have my favorite band name. I spent time actively avoiding them due to this. However, they are literally friends with everyone in the Bay Area, they are worth the benefit of the doubt. Then this positively face melting track, “Bite The Hand,” landed in my eardrums. So loud. So heavy. An air guitar masterpiecce. 

Today is Bandcamp Friday, so feel free to hope over to their Bandcamp page and buy this track and some others! They will be getting us a full length in the near future, so keep an eye out there and here