Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 1/27/10-2/2/10

Tonight at Bimbo's
Tonight at Bimbo's. Babies not included.

This weekend finally sees the first music festival of the season, the young but promising Winter Music Festival, popping up at venues all over town. Check out at least one of those shows this week so that SF Indie and Talking House Records feel your love. Plus, you’ll be supporting local music more than once a year, and that should make you feel warm all over. As to which shows to see? Read on, music lovers! Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 1/27/10-2/2/10”

Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: January 20th-January 26th

Grace Jones Picture. Why Not?

Coachella was announced today. Pretty good. Pretty much on the other side of the state. And four months away. Musicians work far more often than that. Why don’t you seen them cold and indoors?  Sorry that I don’t have Grace Jones to offer you, but here are other things!

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Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: January 13th-January 19th

I like to put funny photo that spoofs the band name. But, when your band is Styx, and you look like this, I have to just put up a picture of Styx.

This week is the beginning of Sketchfest. We already have that covered, so how about some music? Eh? How about Styx? Did you know Styx were playing? I think it’s awesome that you will get to see Styx.

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A Music Nerd’s Guide To SF Sketchfest 2010

Music and Sketches? Get It? Ha Ha Ha!

As San Franciscans, we love festivals. We also love music and laughs, and it seems that line is blurring between the two worlds more & more everyday. And, although our music festivals have been littered with comedians quite a bit lately, especially with Tenacious D functioning as headliner at least year’s Outside Lands Festival, the music leaking in to the comedy festivals has been a bit subtler. That’s why we’re here to guide you through the music of San Francisco’s Sketchfest. There is lot going on, and a lot of very special things that will pique the interest of any music nerd.

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Spinning Platters Guide To Bay Area Concerts: January 1st-5th

A rare screening of Penelope Spheeris' most disturbing film outside of Wayne's World

The holiday gives a short week this week. I’m sure you are eager to start the new year by seeing live music as often as you can in the coming year. Here’s a few days of good fun!

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Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: December 9th-December 15th

Opening For The Aquabats on Saturday Night
Opening For The Aquabats on Saturday Night

It’s a really big week this week, mostly because this is widely viewed as the last week people can get down and party before focusing their attention (and finances) the the wretched beast known as “Late December Holiday Season.” So, for all of you out there that wish to blow all that money you’ve been saving on a nice new golden chariot for grandma, here are a few really great shows for you to attend:

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Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: December 2nd-December 8th


Grannies at Annies. Nuff Said.
Grannies at Annies. Nuff Said.

Shows, shows, shows… That’s all I ever talk about. In this column at least. Ok: go support some live music venues!!!!!!

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Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: November 18th-November 24th

Not playing Cafe du Nord on Monday, but their legacy is...
Not playing Cafe du Nord on Monday, but their legacy is...

So, it looks like the people of the ABC are getting super angry, and are doing some nasty things to our DNA. It also looks like the economy is laying to waste one of San Francisco’s greatest venues at the end of the year. So, please, please help keep live music alive by going to a show or two this week. And next week is Black Friday, a day that you will be shopping early in the morning. I suggest all of our readers power shop, then power nap, and then attend an all ages show somewhere in town, then head to Annie’s Social Club afterwards for some late night punk rock karaoke. But, we won’t have an extensive Black Friday show guide until next Wednesday. Until then, here’s this week:

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Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: November 4th-November 10th

Playing Sunday Night At The Hemlock Tavern
Playing Sunday Night At The Hemlock Tavern

I have returned from Florida, and I am back to control your life… Here are a few suggestions:

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Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: October 28th-November 3rd

Landing at The Independent on Sunday night
Landing at The Independent on Sunday night

Dakin’s in Florida this week, so when he sent me his Bay Area concert guide for this week, it was a bunch of shows happening in the Tampa Bay Area. I know some of you would fly down to Tampa to see Styx, REO Speedwagon and Night Ranger share the stage at the state fairgrounds on Friday night, but most of you want to know what’s happening back here in the San Francisco Bay Area. So I’ve scrapped Dakin’s otherwise useful column (Attack Attack! at the State Theater in St Pete?  We’re there!) and brought you some shows to check out here at home. Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: October 28th-November 3rd”