Show Review: Regina Spektor at The Fox Oakland, 10/30/2009

Sadly, the best picture I could get from the back of the room
Sadly, the best picture I could get from the back of the room

For some reason I always forget how good Regina Spektor is, but when the lights went down in The Fox Theater and the crowd went insane I felt a surge of pure joy and anticipation just like a die-hard fan.  Then when Regina, beaming at the crowd’s welcome, started into “The Calculation” I started to feel tears well up.  I may be over emotional this week, but still, it was one of those perfect moments that you just knew everything was going to be wonderful, at least for the next hour and a half. Continue reading “Show Review: Regina Spektor at The Fox Oakland, 10/30/2009”

Show Review: Dead Man’s Bones at Bimbo’s 365 Club, 10/27/2009

Ryan Gosling directing the choir in front of the beautiful backdrop
Ryan Gosling directing the choir in front of the beautiful backdrop

Dead Man’s Bones is an interesting musical project brought to you by actor Ryan Gosling, of Mickey Mouse Club/Young Hercules/Lars and the Real Girl fame (what? The Notebook? What’s that?), and friend Zach Shields. It is dark gothic music accompanied by a children’s choir. It may sound kitschy and weird, which it is, but it is also wonderful and skillfully arranged. Underneath all the macabre cheese is a strong beating heart that keeps the project as more than a throw away joke. This show would silence any doubters. Dead Man’s Bones is a real, and excellent, band. Continue reading “Show Review: Dead Man’s Bones at Bimbo’s 365 Club, 10/27/2009”

Show Review: Mika at The Fox Oakland, 10/24/2009

Either singing or reacting to the painkillers

I didn’t find out I was reviewing this show until I stumbled in to the beautiful Fox Theater, stressed and tired, in the middle of opener Gary Go’s last song.  “Who’s reviewing the show?” I ask David Price and Gordon Elgart, senior members of the Spinning Platters staff.  They laugh and say “You are!” and I protest:  “my computer’s still broken!”  But I was betrayed by the fact that my ancient laptop can slowly chug along and allow me to post this.  Three blog writers, all unwilling.  I lose.  Boo!  There was a time when I would have loved to review a Mika show, but now is not that time. Continue reading “Show Review: Mika at The Fox Oakland, 10/24/2009”

Show Review: Noah and the Whale at Swedish American Music Hall, 10/22/2009

Should sell t-shirts that say sweater vests are sexy
Should sell t-shirts that say sweater vests are sexy

I decided to go to the Noah and the Whale show on a whim.  I have random hodge-podge of songs on my iPod, but I never listen to them.  But lately I had been hearing their name about, and English indie folk rock isn’t a risky genre for my entertainment.  So, I blew off my normal Thursday night choices (dinner with a friend and Project Runway) and headed out to the Castro for some music. Continue reading “Show Review: Noah and the Whale at Swedish American Music Hall, 10/22/2009”

Album Review: Monsters of Folk – Monsters of Folk


I’m not sure what I was expecting from this “supergroup” of modern indie/folk but it is not what I got. The album opens with a drum machine, some sort of harp imitation, and Jim James’ ethereal falsetto. My carpool-mate responded to this by saying, “What is this? The slow jam from a Backstreet Boys album!?!” Not what is expected from a group called Monsters of Folk. I don’t know about the folk part, but the members of the band: Jim James (My Morning Jacket), M. Ward, Conor Oberst and Mike Mogis (Bright Eyes) are monsters of the indie scene. The question remains: when they come together, do you get something better than the sum of its parts? Continue reading “Album Review: Monsters of Folk — Monsters of Folk”

Album Review: Sondre Lerche – Heartbeat Radio

Heartbeat Radio - The musical version of a Snuggie?
Heartbeat Radio - The musical version of a Snuggie?

Just in case you didn’t already know, Sondre Lerche is an indie-pop singer/songwriter from Norway.  Heartbeat Radio is his sixth album and it has the more polished sound that a sixth album should have.  It sounds like classic 60’s s pop songwriting with modern indie instrumentation.  What exactly does that sound like?  Like your parents favorite songs played by your favorite indie-pop band.  Could be the greatest thing ever, but does it really work? Continue reading “Album Review: Sondre Lerche — Heartbeat Radio”

Show Review: The Honey Brothers, Soko, and his Orchestra @ The Independent 9/12/09

Does the spotlight just shine for Adrian Grenier and The Honey Brothers?
Does the spotlight just shine for Adrian Grenier and The Honey Brothers?

I’ve been thinking about how every show review I write is positive, which makes sense since, if I’m going to a show, it is someone I like and listen to.  But tonight was a little different.  I’ve had the hots for Adrian Grenier since the movie Drive Me Crazy, and continue to love him on the HBO show Entourage, so when our Editor-In-Chief wanted a live edition of Sing it Hasselhoff I was happy to oblige.  I was even more excited when I found out Soko, who I was sad canceled her spot at SXSW 2009, was opening.  But I had no real idea what I was in for and thought this might be my first negative show review.  But when, during the second song from the opening band his Orchestra, two of the band members started running around the audience laughing and playing I knew that either this was going to be the best show ever or one giant letdown.

Continue reading “Show Review: The Honey Brothers, Soko, and his Orchestra @ The Independent 9/12/09”

Album Review: Ingrid Michaelson – Everybody

Sneaking in through the backdoor of your mind
Sneaking in through the backdoor of your mind

You may not realize you know Ingrid Michaelson, but you do.  Back in 2007 her album Girls and Boys launched her into the stratosphere of VH1’s artists “you oughta know” fueled by the ubiquitous “The Way I Am.”  You’ve also not realized you were listening to her while you watched such quality television shows as Grey’s Anatomy, One Tree Hill and Scrubs.  An album a year later, her newest release Everybody arrived last week on August 25th.  Will it also be something you constantly hear in the background of your favourite tv shows or will this be the album that brings Ingrid Michaelson to the forefront? Continue reading “Album Review: Ingrid Michaelson — Everybody”

Album Review: Frankmusik – Complete Me

Next Big Thing or Next Brit-Nothing?
Next Big Thing or Next Brit-Nothing?
If you want good dance music that isn’t hip hop or R&B you aren’t going to find it in the USA.  Once again I turn to the dear UK for great new dance music.  On August 17th the “next big thing” in UK electropop dropped on the scene.  Frankmusik’s first album Complete Me is the musical brainchild of singer/producer/beatboxer Vincent Frank.  Is it all that it’s cracked up to be?  Is he the next Lady Gaga?  Probably not, but I still can’t stop listening.

Continue reading “Album Review: Frankmusik — Complete Me”

Show Review: Jarvis Cocker at The Fillmore, 7/28/09

The sun shines for Jarvis Cocker and his magical air guitar
The sun shines for Jarvis Cocker and his magical air guitar

Jarvis Cocker struts on stage like the king of brit pop he is.  Unlike most musicians/celebrities he is even larger in life than in pictures.  His charisma is almost earth shattering and after about 20 years of performing he really knows how to work the crowd.  His speeches between songs are hilarious and insightful.  He makes it feel really personal, like he’s just talking to you whilst he is running around the stage posing and using the microphone in wonderfully phallic ways.  Before the song “Leftovers” he proclaims “The Iguanodon is not aroused” as he swings the microphone limply.  This was just the beginning of an evening full of quotes and great memories. Continue reading “Show Review: Jarvis Cocker at The Fillmore, 7/28/09”