Show Review: Paramore, Paper Route, The Swellers at The Warfield 11/10/09

This is what Paramore looked like a couple of days ago
This is what Paramore looked like a couple of days ago

Last month, I posted a review of the band Heart at The Warfield. In the review, I mention the band Paramore in a very positive light. In the comments, somebody posted this question:

Question: What is the importance of a band like Paramore? (Serious question — I’m 38 years old. :) )

When I wrote this review, it was expected I would have already written quite a fair amount about this band, and the kind reader would not have been confused. But, this show was moved from the beginning of the tour to the end of the tour, and I had yet to write a review of the new record, brand new eyes. Well, since this show has finally happened, I think it’s fair of me to, within discussion of this performance, to help describe why the band Paramore is truly important, and additionally, why a 38 year old Heart fan should know what his/her niece already understands.

Continue reading “Show Review: Paramore, Paper Route, The Swellers at The Warfield 11/10/09”

Show Review: Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull at The Warfield, 11/9/2009

If life's a long song, tonight was a lot like life.
If life's a long song, tonight was a lot like life.

Monday night was supposed to be a night off for me. I was simply going to sit and relax at the Warfield, enjoying a quiet evening of acoustic Jethro Tull songs. I’d chat with my friend, drink some bourbon, and rock out to killer cuts from the Jethro Tull catalog. But something amazing happened that I wasn’t expecting, and I just had to share it with you. Continue reading “Show Review: Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull at The Warfield, 11/9/2009”

Show Review: Heart at The Warfield, 10/22/09

Gravity is optional.
Gravity is optional.

Why review Heart? Why now? They haven’t been relevant in quite a long time, and the last round of hits were arguably pretty hokey power ballads.

Well, there are a number of reasons to revere Heart. Primarily, they were the first rock band where women called all of the shots. They had complete creative control over songwriting, as well as marketing. Even if Heart were terrible, they still deserve a place in Rock n’ Roll history. (Seriously, Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. I love the punk rock, but how aren’t Heart inducted yet?)

Continue reading “Show Review: Heart at The Warfield, 10/22/09”

Show Review: The Cult at The Warfield Theater, 8/23/09

That tambourine at Ian's feet is mine now
That tambourine at Ian's feet is mine now

The Cult came to the Warfield on a Sunday night as part of their Love Tour, a show that has them playing through their classic first album on a nightly basis.  When bands play the full albums, fans get excited in advance, but having seen a number of these shows for myself, they’re usually boring affairs, as you already know what’s coming.  What’s the fun of track eight, “Revolution,” when you know that track nine, “She Sells Sanctuary,” comes next?  Well, I’ll tell you what kind of fun that is. Continue reading “Show Review: The Cult at The Warfield Theater, 8/23/09”