Show Review: John 5 & The Creatures, DNA Lounge, 04/20/2022

Photos and review by: Alan Ralph @ARPhotoSF

It’s interesting when successful musicians branch out on their own solo projects.  Maybe they have too much creative energy that doesn’t flow with their band and need to expand on it, or maybe they just have free time between recording and tour cycles to do their own thing.  Whatever the case may be, the best moment to see these performers live is not with their marquee name bands, one hundred yards away in some stadium… no, the best time is when they are on their solo tours!  Paul Stanley of KISS once performed at The Fillmore to 800 people.  Joe Perry of Aerosmith also performed at The Fillmore in front of only 400 people.  When John 5 is not performing to thousands of people with Rob Zombie, he very often makes solo records, tours with his own solo project called John 5 & The Creatures, and when in San Francisco, always comes back to the intimate DNA Lounge.