Outside Lands Festival Diary: Part 3 — Saturday, 8/29/08

Like watching TV on the Radio in my backyard
Like watching TV on the Radio in my backyard

I was excited to wake up and find my cold had subsided, and off I went back to Golden Gate Park for an early afternoon of volunteering and listening to bands chosen especially for me based on their proximity to my volunteering site.  My exciting adventures for today included potentially getting food poisoning, a random passerby saying some really strange stuff to me, and almost getting into a fight.  Join me on Saturday at Outside Lands. Continue reading “Outside Lands Festival Diary: Part 3 — Saturday, 8/29/08”

Outside Lands Festival Diary: Part 1

I have to know this backwards and forwards
I have to know this backwards and forwards

Some news organizations get full access to festivals like Outside Lands.  They get a photo pass, backstage access, free tickets, free food, special parking, and other forms of special treatment.  Some blogs get a lower level of access to these festivals, which would include free tickets, and perhaps a photo pass. And finally, there’s up-and-coming, fast growing music sites like Spinning Platters, who work for a ticket.  This will give you an entirely different perspective on Outside Lands, access be damned.  We’re not here to hobnob, we’re here to have a good time.  And answer your questions at the info booth. Continue reading “Outside Lands Festival Diary: Part 1”