Sometimes I get exhausted just putting this list together, let alone trying to figure out how I can be in 20 places at once…
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 5/16/13-5/22/13”
Reviews of albums, films, concerts, and more from the Bay Area Music and Movie Nerds
Sometimes I get exhausted just putting this list together, let alone trying to figure out how I can be in 20 places at once…
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 5/16/13-5/22/13”
Having been dubbed a “crafty veteran” by one local bystander, there are a few certain truths that I have discovered seven years deep into South By South West culture. 1) Always carry your phone charger because the battery will die; the ABC’s (Always Be Chargin’) as we here at Spinning Platters like to call it. 2) Delicious food is only a food truck away when you need to take a break and refuel in-between day parties and evening showcases. And 3) there will be both bad, and good bands at aforementioned showcases. The payout for waiting through a not-so-awesome band, however, can be an amazing, week-altering experience that leads to months of fan-girl-ing out, post-South By. However, this is all contingent on actually being granted admission to that one thing one wanted to see the most. There are still things to be learned and sometimes learned the hard way.
Hello loyal readers… Lotsa good stuff this week… Not a lot of creative thinking on my part, though… So just enjoy the list!
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 5/13/10-5/19/10”
Pouria said he wanted to take the week off because he’s burned out on new releases. And then he sits next to me and tells me about all the albums I’m missing. I think he’s actually burned out on being funny. Lucky for you, I’m not burned out on being funny; I’ve hardly begun being funny! Read on, dear readers, for 31 album reviews await. Continue reading “New Release Round Up 2/2/10 — 31 Instant Album Reviews”