Thursday, March 27th Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 3/27/14-4/2/14”
Reviews of albums, films, concerts, and more from the Bay Area Music and Movie Nerds
Thursday, March 27th Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 3/27/14-4/2/14”
A Victim of Love and Circumstance
While at SXSW, there is one definitive. You will be taking a chance. It will be choosing between two seemingly excellent showcases, hoping you made the right choice. It will be seeing a performance you know little about, hoping to uncover a hidden gem during the six-day event. All the while in Austin, you wish to see true greatness, unique to you, to your trip, and to your dedication to seeing an insane amount of music in such a short period of time.
Continue reading “SXSW Review: Daptone Records Showcase at The Moody Theater at ACL-Live, 3/14/13”
Did you really think I’d live you hanging on Thanksgiving day? Of course not… If Henry Rollins is working on Thanksgiving, then I am, too!
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 11/22/12-11/28/12”
Dakin’s taking the week off from recommending shows. He’s busy shopping for just the right turkey for his Thanksgiving dinner, I guess. Personally, I recommend getting a bottle of Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau to bring wherever you do end up going for Thanksgiving. It’s the ultimate Thanksgiving wine. But enough booze talk. Let’s go see some shows! (And don’t forget to tip your bartenders.) Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 11/17/11-11/23/11”
Find any official Stern Grove web presence, and you’ll see that the lineup will be announced May 2. Well, yesterday it leaked, and although it was quickly “unleaked,” you can’t truly unleak stuff on the Internet. This isn’t Orwell’s 1984 (yet), so because I know, I want all the music junkies to know. (Good thing we have a website for music nerds.)
Why should people want to know right away? Because Stern Grove on a Sunday in the city is one of the greatest traditions we have, and all my friends who work Sundays can start planning now. Check out Stern Grove’s website for more details come Monday, May 2, but you can put in your time-off requests now. Continue reading “The Stern Grove 2011 Lineup”
Spinning Platters is taking you on a quick guide to live music in the Bay Area from June 24th to the 30th. ROCK!
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 6/24/10-6/30/10”