Show Review: PJ Harvey at The Warfield, 4/14/11

PJ Harvey is simply an artist.  It just so happens her medium is music.  Every tour for each new record is an engrossing sensory experience, completely different than the last.  Having seen her perform at the Warfield for every record, minus White Chalk, (she left SF off the tiny tour), since 1998, I’ve had the pleasure and privilege to experience more than my share.

All of the shows up until now, have been full of the energy, gusto, and a hauntingly excitable sound that had left fans floored.  Every show ends with just about the biggest display of genuine applause I’ve ever seen or been apart of for an artist.  PJ Harvey fans seem to connect with the music fully in both a primal, intellectual, and emotional level, which doesn’t always happen with most artists.

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