It’s fair to say that the target audience for tonight at The Regency Grand Ballroom is significantly younger then normal. In fact, looking at the fans that were up against the barricade for tonight’s show every single one of them had the mark of under 21, big Sharpied-on X’s on the tops of both their hands. Continue reading “Forever The Sickest Kids with The Rocket Summer at The Regency Center, 12/4/09”
Tag: photos
Photo Gallery and Video: Pixies at The Fox Oakland, 11/8/2009
Photographic evidence of the first triumphant Pixies concert at the Fox Theater in Oakland.
With a bonus video snippet of one of the most wonderful moments in music ever, performed live that very evening.
Continue reading “Photo Gallery and Video: Pixies at The Fox Oakland, 11/8/2009”
Show Review: Vampire Weekend at The Town Hall Theater in Lafayette, 11/7/09

When Vampire Weekend announced they were playing an all-California tour, and that tour would include the Town Hall Theater in Lafayette, CA, I immediately went to look up what this theater was. What I found was that it was a 200-seat local theater company’s home venue, and I knew right away that this show would sell out fast. Well thanks to my years of typing practice, I managed to get tickets when they went on sale a couple of months back. (There’s no magical press passes tonight — we had to sweat it out like the rest of you.) Imagine my surprise when we arrived to the theater to find that it was an all-seated show. Sit down for Vampire Weekend? Oh oh. Continue reading “Show Review: Vampire Weekend at The Town Hall Theater in Lafayette, 11/7/09”
Show Review: Mika at The Fox Oakland, 10/24/2009

I didn’t find out I was reviewing this show until I stumbled in to the beautiful Fox Theater, stressed and tired, in the middle of opener Gary Go’s last song. “Who’s reviewing the show?” I ask David Price and Gordon Elgart, senior members of the Spinning Platters staff. They laugh and say “You are!” and I protest: “my computer’s still broken!” But I was betrayed by the fact that my ancient laptop can slowly chug along and allow me to post this. Three blog writers, all unwilling. I lose. Boo! There was a time when I would have loved to review a Mika show, but now is not that time. Continue reading “Show Review: Mika at The Fox Oakland, 10/24/2009”
Review and Photo Gallery: LovEvolution 2009
Who doesn’t love colorful outfits, pounding bass and 19 year old drunk girls? Yeah, that’s right I’m talking about LoveParade, I mean, LoveFest, no no I mean LovEvolution, It’s LovEvolution now, so don’t get confused! I enjoy this confusion, even. (I’ve been going to it since three names ago.) This is my fifth year going to this event, and in some respects it is my favorite of the year, and in others the least.
I live right downtown at the start of this shindig, granted I am ten floors up but the wattage supported by most of the floats simply laughs at the idea of traveling ten stories up. Right around 9:30 AM, the sound check for the floats stated. I had been playing with the idea of ditching work and going, but up until this point I was less then 100% sure about it; that is, until I heard the music. I don’t really know what it is or how it works, but there is something that i absolutely LOVE about electronic music: it simply summons me! As soon as I heard the music I was dressed and armed with my camera and ready to have a blast–I assumed–all my my lonesome. Continue reading “Review and Photo Gallery: LovEvolution 2009”
Wanderlust Festival Diary: The Photos

I took quite a few photos at Wanderlust Festival: nearly 500 of them. Since I didn’t have any sort of media credential, you’re not going to see any amazing closeups of performers’ nostrils, but my handy pocket camera does a pretty good job of it. I’ve selected 19 of my favorites, showing every musical act I saw over the weekend and more. If you were there, I hope these act as a nice reminder of a wonderful weekend; if you weren’t, I hope it will inspire you to go next year. Feel free to share these photos around. Please just tell everyone where you found them! Now, on to the photo gallery. Continue reading “Wanderlust Festival Diary: The Photos”