LIGHTS is definitely not hard on the eyes! Think Alexandra Lawn from Ra Ra Riot but edgier. She’s not exactly hard on the ears either. Synth heavy female vocals, lightly backed by a drummer, and when I say lightly I mean he could play with one arm half the time. She breaks from her elrctro-pop way mid-way through her set to play a solo acoustic song off her purely acoustic EP, and to do what I guess would be a “cover” of the YouTube video “hide your kids hide your wife,” And then she finishes out the remainder of the set like the beginning. Continue reading “Show Review: LIGHTS at Slim’s, 10/25/2010”
Show Review: Owl City with Lights and Paper Route at The Fillmore, 4/5/2010

In July of 2009, I saw Owl City’s San Francisco debut in a tiny club at 330 Ritch, the home of Popscene, the city’s center stage for brand new acts. Adam Young, the main brain behind Owl City, and Matthew Decker, who added live drums to the wall of synthesizer sound, performed seven songs for a crowd of less than 200 people. Now, see the speed at which fame moves you: less than nine months after that show, Adam and Matthew — along with a new plethora of performers — have returned to San Francisco for two — two! — sold-out performances. I think I should also point out the fact that both shows were completely sold out MONTHS ago — not an hour or to before the show, as was the case for their Popscene debut. Needless to say, I was bewildered — but excited — when I found myself returning to the Fillmore for the first of these two concerts. Continue reading “Show Review: Owl City with Lights and Paper Route at The Fillmore, 4/5/2010”
Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 3/31/10-4/6/10

Our dear editor-in-chief posted this on the Spinning Platters twitter account:
SpinnPlatt Our concert calendar looks sad and lonely for the next two weeks. Someone talk us into something, please.
Which makes me realize that he needs this column more than anyone else. Just because Fauxchella is only two weeks away, doesn’t mean you can take a break!
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 3/31/10-4/6/10”
Album Review: Ellie Goulding – Lights
Ellie Goulding is the hottest new artist in the UK. Championed by Florence and The Machine, she won the BBC Sound of 2010 award along with the 2010 Brits Critic Choice Award which is given to the artist expected to breakthrough in 2010. She was born in Hereford England, about 10 miles from where I was born, though admittedly it was almost 20 years later. So should we believe the hype on her debut album Lights, which is out in the UK now and will be released in the US on March 16th? Continue reading “Album Review: Ellie Goulding — Lights”
Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 2/10/10-2/16/10

Since this week gives us both Valentine’s Day and President’s Day, I am going to create a theme to all our recommended shows list: Every single show listed features a performer that has had an affair with a sitting president of a country. The person that guesses which member of which band band for each show listed gets a special surprise! Please leave your guesses under the comments section. Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 2/10/10-2/16/10”
New Release Round Up, 10/6/09 – 28 Instant Album Reviews

I was super busy with work this week. I tried squeezing in more music but just couldn’t. A lot of my time was spent listening to lame music. I will redeem myself next week. Continue reading “New Release Round Up, 10/6/09 — 28 Instant Album Reviews”