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Tag: Anti-Flag
Warped Tour Diary: AT&T Park, Lot A, 6/23/2012

The Warped Tour found a new home in San Francisco this year, parking itself in Lot A of AT&T Park. Like its old home at Pier 30/32, there was a view of the water, and the Bay Bridge. Unlike Pier 30, there was not plenty of room to move around. This running of the Warped Tour was a hot, crowded mess; a maze of sponsor tents, clothing companies, and band merch. Interspersed throughout were several stages with bands giving their all, often to thousands of revelers, and other times to a mere handful. My goal, as always, was to sample as many bands as possible in 7 hours. Let’s see how I did. Continue reading “Warped Tour Diary: AT&T Park, Lot A, 6/23/2012”
Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: January 20th-January 26th

Coachella was announced today. Pretty good. Pretty much on the other side of the state. And four months away. Musicians work far more often than that. Why don’t you seen them cold and indoors? Sorry that I don’t have Grace Jones to offer you, but here are other things!
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: January 20th-January 26th”