Show Review: Dresden Dolls at the Belasco Theatre (Los Angeles), 12/08/2024

“You don’t wanna hear about my Good Day”

In 2008, the Dresden Dolls would play Los Angeles for, seemingly, the last time. In 2008, I was 23 years old, still in college in the rural North of California, fairly isolated from the meccas of civilization and regular concerts of better-known bands. I missed it. After moving to Los Angeles the following year to attempt and fail at breaking into the film industry, I had all but lost hope of ever seeing the Dresden Dolls perform.

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Show Review: Amanda Palmer & Edward Ka-Spel at The Troubadour, 5/24/2017

An auspicious night of revelry and musical joy!

Amanda Palmer frees Edward Ka-spel from the bonds of his “artist” wrist band.

Sometimes, even though it seems like the odds are stacked against you, problems invariably sort themselves. At least, this is what I was telling myself to keep calm after discovering that a number of unforeseen circumstances were possibly going to have ended my night before it could begin. Luckily, as I waited in the increasingly cold and increasingly dark evening, this little mantra proved to be true, and all the tribulation was made worthwhile by an absolutely stunning performance that followed.

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