Photo Set: Jacco Gardner and Ultimate Painting at The Chapel

“If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.” The song that helped launch the infamous Monterey International Pop Music Festival in the ’60s could easily be applied to the crowded show room floor at the Chapel. San Franciscans tend to bemoan bygone eras without realizing that certain acts and underground movements resurrect nostalgia and put their own unique, contemporary twist on it all the time. You just have to know where to find it.

Men with long hair and longer beards accompanied women donning floral wreaths in their tousled hair as they swayed to the psychedelic rock brought by Ultimate Painting and finally, Dutchman Jacco Gardner. The latter, a multi-instrumentalist came on with his backing band at quarter after 11:00 pm and performed most of the hits from his 2013 full-length Cabinet of Curiosities. A soundtrack fit for a Wes Anderson film (meant as the highest compliment), it captivated the audience. “This is the fourth time we’ve been to the Chapel,” Gardner lamented. Certainly, he knows where his fans are located.

Here are some photos of the performance. Enjoy and check out Ultimate Painting and Jacco Gardner if you haven’t yet. Chances are, they’ll be back soon enough.

A multi-instrumentalist, Jacco Gardner was constantly rotating between guitar, keyboards, and even tambourines between songs.
A multi-instrumentalist, Jacco Gardner was constantly rotating between guitar, keyboards, and even tambourines between songs.



