Glastonbury Diary, Part One

I'm on this bus right now.  Or one just like it.  I didn't take the photo.
I'm on this bus right now. Or one just like it. I didn't take the photo.

I’m on my way from Heathrow to Reading, due to arrive at about 15:15.  Then I have a 15:44 train to Castle Cary, arriving in a couple of hours from then.  Finally, I get on an official Glastonbury Festival shuttle bus, which takes anywhere from 15-45 minutes according to various reports.There’s free WiFi on the bus, which was a nice unadvertised benefit.  I thought I would be off the grid for five days.  Now, it’s only going to be about 4 1/2.  If there’s Internet at the Festival, I probably won’t post updates anyway.

Getting here, I had the most amazing pilot.  The backup altimeter on the plane failed while the plane was pulling out of the gate.  What I figured would be an hour-long delay ended up being a late arrival by only 5 minutes, which I don’t think counts as a late arrival in the official statistics.  The pilot told us every step of the way exactly what was being done to fix it, why it was important to fix, and how long everything would take.  It was great.  Best pilot ever.

We’re finally pulling out onto the highway here, so I figure I should look out the window instead of looking at this screen.  Stay tuned for more Spinning Platters exclusive coverage of the Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts.

Gordon Elgart

A music nerd who probably uses that term too much. I have a deep love for bombastic, quirky and dynamic music.

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Author: Gordon Elgart

A music nerd who probably uses that term too much. I have a deep love for bombastic, quirky and dynamic music.

5 thoughts on “Glastonbury Diary, Part One”

  1. England sure has us beat in the bus department! Free Wi-Fi = awesome.
    Can’t wait to hear more!

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