Show Review: PAX Concerts, Seattle Convention Center, 9/4/2009 & 9/5/2009

The new fab four?  Molly, Paul, Storm and Joco
The new fab four? Molly, Paul, Storm and Joco

Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle is a lot of things, but mostly it’s a gathering of a community of like minded gamers.  These are nerds and geeks who live by a simple credo popularized by Secretary of Geek Affairs, Wil Wheaton.  It simply states, “Don’t Be a Dick.”  So what does a bunch of gamers getting together in Seattle have to do with a music website?  First of all, this is the second year I’ve gone (out of many I will attend; it’s populated by uniformly awesome people).  Every year, PAX invites some musicians that are popular in the gamer community to perform at a popular series of concerts.  It’s time that these shows got a traditional concert review, so here it is. Continue reading “Show Review: PAX Concerts, Seattle Convention Center, 9/4/2009 & 9/5/2009”

Outside Lands Festival Diary: Part 4 – Sunday, 8/30/09

She was pretty excited to be seeing M.I.A.
She was pretty excited to be seeing M.I.A.

Today was mainly a working day for me.  I needed to be at the info booth by 4:00, and I wasn’t going to get to the park until almost 2:00, so what would I be seeing?  The short answer?  Not much.  The long answer?  A lot of really cold people, a few minutes of a few bands, one entire set, and a lot sad people. Continue reading “Outside Lands Festival Diary: Part 4 — Sunday, 8/30/09”

Outside Lands Festival Diary: Part 3 — Saturday, 8/29/08

Like watching TV on the Radio in my backyard
Like watching TV on the Radio in my backyard

I was excited to wake up and find my cold had subsided, and off I went back to Golden Gate Park for an early afternoon of volunteering and listening to bands chosen especially for me based on their proximity to my volunteering site.  My exciting adventures for today included potentially getting food poisoning, a random passerby saying some really strange stuff to me, and almost getting into a fight.  Join me on Saturday at Outside Lands. Continue reading “Outside Lands Festival Diary: Part 3 — Saturday, 8/29/08”

Outside Lands Festival Diary: Part 2 — Friday, 8/28/09

He seems surprised to be here
He seems surprised to be here

You know how when you have a little cold and you take cold medicine, and when the medicine finally kicks in, your cold breaks?  And you get really sweaty?  Now what if you were taking cold medicine on a hot day at a sunny music festival?  You’d be having my day.  So for me, and surely for many others, Friday at Outside Lands was a fun, sweaty time. Continue reading “Outside Lands Festival Diary: Part 2 — Friday, 8/28/09”

Outside Lands Festival Diary: Part 1

I have to know this backwards and forwards
I have to know this backwards and forwards

Some news organizations get full access to festivals like Outside Lands.  They get a photo pass, backstage access, free tickets, free food, special parking, and other forms of special treatment.  Some blogs get a lower level of access to these festivals, which would include free tickets, and perhaps a photo pass. And finally, there’s up-and-coming, fast growing music sites like Spinning Platters, who work for a ticket.  This will give you an entirely different perspective on Outside Lands, access be damned.  We’re not here to hobnob, we’re here to have a good time.  And answer your questions at the info booth. Continue reading “Outside Lands Festival Diary: Part 1”

Spinning Platters Podcast: Episode 4 – Outside Lands Festival

We're getting psyched for this weekend
We're getting psyched for this weekend

Episode 4 of the Spinning Platters podcast is now available below, and in iTunes.  Dakin, Gordon and D.P. are joined on this episode by Carlos Rodela of Mevio.  You can see him weekly on Rad on the Web and Press Pause, or hear him below.  This week’s topics are:

  • What we’ve been listening to
  • Outside Lands Festival Cage Match — We put bands playing at the same time up against each other to decide who you should be seeing
  • Rad on the Web, and what other joy you’ll find on the Mevio Tech channel

Click on to listen, or even better,  subscribe to the Spinning Platters podcast on iTunes. Continue reading “Spinning Platters Podcast: Episode 4 — Outside Lands Festival”

Spinning Platters Picks Six: Reasons to Like John Mayer (But Not His Music)

John is too cool to care what you think of this article.
John is too cool to care what you think of this article.

It’s popular among music nerds to dislike John Mayer.  I don’t know why this is.

OK, I do know why this is.  It’s because his music is characterized by this sugary weepiness that seems borrowed from the worst of Dave Matthews.  “Your Body Is a Wonderland” and “Daughters” are primary offenders.  This makes the girls cry, and next thing you know, he’s dating a never-ending stream of actresses and models.  Then he goes out and decides he wants to be a blues guitar legend, and people bow down to him like he is one.  And finally, he’s the token white guy at the Michael Jackson memorial, playing a smooth jazz instrumental version of “Human Nature,” and the circle of hate is complete.

But even with all of that, I realize I kinda like John Mayer for a few reasons.  Here’s why you might, too.  Let me know in the comments what you think of him when you’re done reading. Continue reading “Spinning Platters Picks Six: Reasons to Like John Mayer (But Not His Music)”

Show Review: The Cult at The Warfield Theater, 8/23/09

That tambourine at Ian's feet is mine now
That tambourine at Ian's feet is mine now

The Cult came to the Warfield on a Sunday night as part of their Love Tour, a show that has them playing through their classic first album on a nightly basis.  When bands play the full albums, fans get excited in advance, but having seen a number of these shows for myself, they’re usually boring affairs, as you already know what’s coming.  What’s the fun of track eight, “Revolution,” when you know that track nine, “She Sells Sanctuary,” comes next?  Well, I’ll tell you what kind of fun that is. Continue reading “Show Review: The Cult at The Warfield Theater, 8/23/09”

10 Quick Questions With Judgement Day

You can't really put Judgement Day in a box
You can't really put Judgement Day in a box

The Bay Area band Judgement Day plays string metal, and play it so well, they deserve to own the domain, where you’ll find their website. This week, on Friday night, they’re playing a headlining show at 924 Gilman, where you’ll have the opportunity to pick up a copy of Out of the Abyss: Live on Tape, a new 7″ vinyl release from the band.  We caught up with Anton and Lewis Patzner, the violinist and cellist of Judgement Day, and asked them to answer some questions for us.

Spinning Platters:  Explain any struggles you may have describing your band to others. Continue reading “10 Quick Questions With Judgement Day”

Spinning Platters Podcast: Episode 3 – The View

Listen to the podcast to see why this photo is here
Listen to the podcast to see why this photo is here

Episode 3 of the Spinning Platters podcast is now available below, and in iTunes.  Dakin, Gordon and D.P. are joined on this episode by writer Raffi Yousouffian for a discussion of:

  • What we’ve been listening to
  • Cult Bands
  • Stop the War on Fun and the ongoing fight to keep San Francisco all-ages clubs open

Click on to listen, or even better, subscribe to the Spinning Platters podcast on iTunes.

Continue reading “Spinning Platters Podcast: Episode 3 — The View”