Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 9/12/13-9/18/13

Remember when Adam Ant was a guest star on Northern Exposure? Remember Northern Exposure? Am I the only one that watched this show as a kid?
Remember when Adam Ant was a guest star on Northern Exposure? Remember Northern Exposure? Am I the only one that watched this show as a kid?

It’s another good week for rocking… We have a known recluse doing a rare tour, a bunch of holograms of rappers, an R&B singer that cannot allow more than two e’s in one word, a bay area classic rock double header, and half of Bikini Kill. Not bad, if I say so myself!

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Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 8/25/11-8/31/11

Miranda Cosgrove canceled her gig at The Fox this week due to a bus accident. Boo!

My cat keeps sitting on my hands, making it really hard to type something witty. So I’ll get her to talk to you instead:azMNBSAMBDS,MCDEHBJCD GQWCHVJEC VEN

Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 8/25/11-8/31/11”

Rock the Bells: A Journey Through Time and Memory


It starts at the gate on a wooden table, security searching bags, removing water bottle caps. It’s not a line, but a mass of people, compressed into a singlularity, squeezed through metal detectors like orange juice through a strainer–the pulp left behind: water bottle caps, drugs, Diet Dr. Pepper cans piled in neat towers around the parking lot (each layer an epoch) and something else…something less tangible. Metal detectors root out invisible men with sirens: a novel assimilation process to remove their weapons and expose their water. An invasive beep accompanies me through the plastic archway, where a woman– African American, in a yellow staff polo– asks me if I’m wearing a belt. I pull up my sweater and t-shirt, the small metal belt buckle is proof enough of my identity; a gentle pat down proves that I am indeed visible and physical. No, I am not an invisible man, merely an inappropriately dressed white male with a balding pattern and an open bottle of water, covering a culture I know only through books, Boondocks episodes and BET. Continue reading “Rock the Bells: A Journey Through Time and Memory”