Film Review: Jupiter Ascending

A Jupiter-sized mess (and Jupiter is big).

Channing Tatum "surfing" around shooting and being shot at.
Channing Tatum “surfing” around shooting and being shot at.

There’s a line in Jupiter Ascending where a former alien soldier stationed on Earth tells a newly-discovered woman of royalty, “Bees don’t lie.”  With or without context, you should get a sense of how ridiculous this sounds, because it is.  Completely.  Ridiculous.  Jupiter Ascending, from the Wachowskis, whose credibility is descending rapidly, is a silly overwrought mess.  Too much is packed into too complex a premise.  The tone shifts back and forth between silly and serious, imaginative and derivative, from The Fifth Element to Dune (minus the intelligence).  When a movie gets pushed from a summer tentpole position (May-July) to the cinema graveyard shift (January-February), it’s obvious that something is wrong.  In the case of Jupiter Ascending, it has all the makings of a sci fi summer blockbuster, but fails to execute on all fronts aside from some nifty special effects that look quite pretty.

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Show Review: Williams and Spielberg: Maestros of the Movies, 9/16

'Maestros of the Movies' at Davies Symphony Hall
‘Maestros of the Movies’ at Davies Symphony Hall

The first four notes of the Star Wars main title blast to life in the beautiful Davies Symphony Hall, and members of the audience cheer loudly, whistle, applaud, and some even rise to their feet.  Only John Williams, the movie score composer who’s been writing music to accompany the silver screen since the late 1950’s, and who’s responsible for countless universally recognized themes, can induce such a response at a “classical concert.”  Such was the general atmosphere at the San Francisco Symphony’s Monday night event, Williams and Spielberg: Maestros of the Movies, a night dedicated to the impact of the award-winning composer (5 Academy Awards, 48 Oscar Nominations, 21 Grammy Awards…etc. etc.).

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