I feel like I’ve been on a music marathon this past week. And then, this Saturday was the show I’ve been looking most forward to. That night We Were Promised Jetpacks were back in town and I f’ing love them. Yes this review will be extremely positive because this was hands down the best show I’d seen as of yet during Noise Pop. Continue reading “Noise Pop Show Review: We Were Promised Jetpacks at Slim’s, 2/27/10”
The "no camera" policy leads to another subpar phone-taken photo, this time of Rooney.
A collection of pop bands came to Slim’s on Sunday night to rock out in front of a small but extremely enthusiastic crowd, comprising mostly young women excited to see one of their favorite bands. Personally, I was drawn to the show by the appearance of Tally Hall, but was looking forward to a full Rooney set, having only seen them as an opener before. I didn’t know an important thing about them, though, which explains a lot. Continue reading “Show Review: Rooney with Tally Hall and The Crash Kings at Slim’s, 11/29/09”
The Fiery Furnaces have been in the press quite a bit lately. Not because they put out a record of Fiery Furnace covers, but because of their mythical feud with Radiohead & Beck. My relationship with this band is a little strange. I saw them open for The Shins many years ago, and they blew me away. I ran out to purchase their current record at the time, Rehearsing My Choir, and was taken aback even more. They reminded me of everything the band Caroliner was trying to accomplish, only without the distraction on the costumes. I was hooked for months to this record, but never went further. I kept missing out on new releases, for one reason or another, and whenever they came around, I couldn’t make it. So, this cold November night, I decided to finally see them again. Continue reading “Show Review: Fiery Furnaces with Cryptacize at Slim’s, 11/20/09”
There were a great deal of shows to visit this All Hallows’ Eve’s Eve, ranging from electronica in arenas to punk rock in bars; despite the drastic number of shows involving bands that I’d seen on one-to-a-few occasions, it was Melt-Banana that I ended up seeing. It seemed rather appropriate; on the eve of the holiday most responsible for darkness, chaos and the warding off of evil spirits, what better occasion to see a trio of Japanese noise-punk musicians with their own sets of sonic banshee howls and thundering rhythms? Being an avid fan of experimental music and Japanese power noise, I had a feeling that this was going to be a rather exciting show; I was not prepared, however, for how wild it got inside.
Mid-afternoon on the day on the concert I started feeling ill. Time came to start heading to the city and I told myself I was going no matter what. Driving along the 24 I see a sign that the Bay Bridge is closed…what the heck? This can’t be right. A quick call to 511 confirmed that the bridge was indeed closed.
Suddenly I had the perfect excuse not to go. I was sick and the bridge was closed; no one could blame me for not going. But something inside me, quite possibly the contrarian drive I have, told me if the bridge was closed I had to go. Continue reading “Show Review: The Heavy at Slim’s, 10/27/2009”
So often there are those bands that fall between the cracks of your musical world. They fight and claw their way in, trying to have a place in your collection. They try to pop up on your Pandora station, or while you’re trying to decide if you should buy this eighty dollar shirt at a trendy clothing shop, just so they might have a chance of sticking in your head. And just when they get through (in my case it was the song “Marvelous Things”), they book a concert on the same night of another show you already have tickets for! It’s beyond me how many times I’ve missed Eisley just because I was at a different show on the same night. This show was somewhere around six years in waiting. Continue reading “Show Review: Eisley at Slim’s, 10/15/09”
Listen to the podcast to see why this photo is here
Episode 3 of the Spinning Platters podcast is now available below, and in iTunes. Dakin, Gordon and D.P. are joined on this episode by writer Raffi Yousouffian for a discussion of:
What we’ve been listening to
Cult Bands
Stop the War on Fun and the ongoing fight to keep San Francisco all-ages clubs open
Describing Patrick Wolf is hard. I was just asked, “what kind of music is he?” I did not have a quick answer. I hemmed and hawed. I know I like it, and I know it should make for an interesting live show, so there I was at Slim’s on a Monday night seeing the Nylon Summer Tour with headliner Patrick Wolf. Little I did know how crazy the night would actually get. Continue reading “Patrick Wolf at Slim’s, 6/8/09”
The Anvil Experience at Slim’s promised a preview screening of the documentary Anvil! The Story of Anvil followed by a live performance by the band itself. I figured this was going to the best possible way to see this movie, so off I went.
I’d be lying if I said I were familiar with Anvil. Their name sounds familiar, but it’s so generic, it would sound familiar to anyone, I’d imagine. They are a Canadian metal band that’s been playing together since 1978, and although they were influence on a few more famous bands, they never found success themselves. Thirty years later, they still play together and try to make their rock and roll dreams come through. The band goes on a comically bad tour of Europe, tries to get a record deal, and just try to keep themselves together as a band.
I’ve seen interviews where the band’s leader “Lips” does not like comparisons to This Is Spinal Tap, but here comes some. And if he has anyone to blame, it’s the director. There are some spoilers in the next bullet points, both for Anvil! and This Is Spinal Tap, so be warned. Continue reading “The Anvil Experience at Slim’s 4/12/2009”