Show Review: Sleigh Bells with Javelin and Elite Gymnastics at The Warfield, 4/5/12

Photos By Homirah Amiri

The life span of a band under the current hype machine can be rather short. Often times, the hype is so intense that people are sick of you before your first single is released. By the time the second record comes out, all of the ironically facial haired masses will have you filed away under Friendster. The only option a band has if they want to stay alive is to introduce themselves to a whole new audience. Sleigh Bells are at that place. The cool kids that embraced them in the beginning have totally rejected them, and it’s time for genuine music fans to take them in.

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Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 4/5/12-4/11/12

Wednesday at Slim's

Welcome to April… The beginning of Fauxchella, when all of those bands that were paid an obscene amount of money to perform in the desert for rich kids on copious amounts of drugs get to play for normal people, in normal venues, where you get to hear a band with a soundcheck and a real venue. Not to say that festivals don’t have their place- I have a lot of fun at these things. But I both couldn’t afford a Coachella ticket, nor could I take the time off my day job. Which means that I’m seeing fIREHOSE at Slim’s. (Sorry Radiohead!)

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Show Review: Sleigh Bells, Neon Indian and Oberhofer at The Independent, 5/30/11

Memorial Day kicked off the first of a 3 night residency for Sleigh Bells, the much discussed and divisive band signed to MIA’s N.E.E.T. Records and featuring the bassist for the sadly overlooked teen pop groups RubyBlue, Alexis Krauss on vocals and Derek E Miller on guitar, formerly of Florida hardcore band Poison The Well. The hype behind these shows, where the first two sold out months ago, while a 3rd, smaller gig at Rickshaw Stop sold out moments after it went on sale last week, is amazing. The question is, does this band with only a single album under their belt, live up to the hype?

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Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 5/26/11-6/1/11

Three nights of Sleigh Bells in one week? Looks like Memorial Day and Christmas got mixed up again this year!

This week kicks is the official first week of “Summer” culturally, albeit Summer actually begins sometime late June, I think. Anyhow, since festival season is almost here, it’s time to start training. Let’s see how many of these you can do this week! Get your ear plugs ready!

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Show Review: Club Not So Silent Night 2010 w/ The Temper Trap, Sleigh Bells, The Limousines, A Silent Film at Mezzanine, 12/09/10

For the last few years, local alternative rock radio station Live 105 has managed to put together one of the most interesting new music showcases out there. It’s called Club Not So Silent Night, and it happens the day before their much bigger event, simply named Not So Silent Night. Where the original Not So Silent Night is a showcase for already well known acts that receive substantial radio play to get up and play for the masses, the “Club” version features newer acts that wouldn’t normally be getting this kind of push from a commercial radio station, and the audience gets have bragging rights by saying that you saw the band in front of 900 people, instead of 10,000. (Case in point: 2008’s edition featured Vampire Weekend & The Cold War Kids and 2009’s featured Passion Pit & The Gossip) If the trend continues, this show was the last chance to see at least one of these acts in such a small space.

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Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 12/09/10-12/15/10

The best thing to come from Smashing Pumpkins?

I know that it’s pretty rainy out here in the Bay Area, and also very cold, so going to shows is a tough thing to do, but I think that these options are worth braving the elements!

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