Show Review: Mika at The Fox Oakland, 10/24/2009

Either singing or reacting to the painkillers

I didn’t find out I was reviewing this show until I stumbled in to the beautiful Fox Theater, stressed and tired, in the middle of opener Gary Go’s last song.  “Who’s reviewing the show?” I ask David Price and Gordon Elgart, senior members of the Spinning Platters staff.  They laugh and say “You are!” and I protest:  “my computer’s still broken!”  But I was betrayed by the fact that my ancient laptop can slowly chug along and allow me to post this.  Three blog writers, all unwilling.  I lose.  Boo!  There was a time when I would have loved to review a Mika show, but now is not that time. Continue reading “Show Review: Mika at The Fox Oakland, 10/24/2009”