Show Review: Michael Shannon & Jason Narducy and Friends with Dave Hill at The Neptune Theater, 2/21/25

Shannon, Narducy & Hill: Attorneys at Rock

When I told people that I was going to see Michael Shannon perform the music of R.E.M. fronting a band that’s the alt-rock world’s equivalent of Ringo’s All-Starr Band, their reactions, for the most part, were Doc Brown in tone, asking, “Michael Shannon! The actor!?” Yes, that Michael Shannon. This particular music project of Michael Shannon & Jason Narducy (more on him later) is ten years in the making, and this is the second year they’ve been playing REM-themed shows exclusively.  Continue reading “Show Review: Michael Shannon & Jason Narducy and Friends with Dave Hill at The Neptune Theater, 2/21/25”

Single Of The Week: What’s The Frequency, Kenneth? (Remix) by R.E.M.

Monster changed my life. It came out right in the middle of high school, and it opened my ears and eyes to exactly what music could sound like. The thick, fuzzy guitar styling of Peter Buck opened me up to so much music that I never thought I’d listen to before, giving me bands like Sonic Youth, Sleater-Kinney, and, weirdly Motorhead. It’s also the REM record you are most likely to find in the dollar bin at a used CD store. Continue reading “Single Of The Week: What’s The Frequency, Kenneth? (Remix) by R.E.M.”

Spinning Platters Interview: Corin Tucker & Peter Buck of Filthy Friends

You have 15 minutes in a room with two of your idols to ask them whatever you want. Here’s how that goes…

Photo taken at The Independent in SF on 8.29.17

R.E.M. changed my life. If it weren’t for them, I probably wouldn’t have found rock ‘n’ roll. At least they were my gateway band, the band that introduced me to punk, folk, power pop, and even hip hop. Sleater-Kinney are a band I found in high school, and they quickly became my favorite band. Little did I expect that cofounder Corin Tucker would form a band with R.E.M. guitarist Peter Buck many years later. That band is Filthy Friends, and they recently released a fantastic record. We had the opportunity to chat with them just before they played the Independent. I tried not to geek out too much. Continue reading “Spinning Platters Interview: Corin Tucker & Peter Buck of Filthy Friends”

Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: August 25th-31st

If anybody thinks bats are ugly, make them look at this picture. And go see one of their two shows Tueday night.
If anybody thinks bats are ugly, make them look at this picture. And go see one of their two shows Tuesday night.

Outside Lands Festival is this weekend, which has booked nearly every touring act hitting the west coast in late summer, making it a tough to find something else to do… But, I’ve compiled the list for all of the people that aren’t willing to pay $100 a day to hike through Golden Gate Park.

If you insist on supporting the big mega-festival, here’s the schedule by day and by night. And if you have a spare 3-day pass that you just feel like giving to a sad blogger that can’t afford one, e-mail me at, or you can join me at one of these shows:

(Note: You can also e-mail if you think your show is deserving of being on my list… Just link me to sound samples, and e-mail me by Friday the week prior to the show. As you can see, I do my list Tuesday-Monday.)

Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: August 25th-31st”