SF Sketchfest Review: Tinder Live! with Lane Moore at Cobb’s Comedy Club, 1/24/25

I adore Lane Moore. She’s a gifted human with an impressive perspective on the human condition. Her two books, How To Be Alone and You Will Find Your People, are genius. I’ve been following her for years, yet I haven’t seen her signature show, Tinder Live!

Thanks to the good people of SF Sketchfest and their persistence in bringing her out west, I finally got to experience it. Holy shitballs, that was magic. Continue reading “SF Sketchfest Review: Tinder Live! with Lane Moore at Cobb’s Comedy Club, 1/24/25”

Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 8/2/12 – 8/8/12

Coming to Shoreline Amphitheater on August 3rd

The final week before Outside Lands, and we have a whole lot on our docket. We’ve got no less than 8 bona fide rock legends coming to town, as well as 3 of SpinningPlatters’ all time favorite acts. Consider this your warm up for Golden Gate Park.

Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 8/2/12 – 8/8/12”

Sketchfest Review: Superego Podcast at Eureka Theater, 1/21/12

During Sketchfest, it’s interesting how one could make show decisions. There are the headliners, and there are the special guests. No matter what, you will find something new. I stumbled across Superego because of the advertised guests. Paul F Thomkins is a genius, and I really enjoyed Erinn Hayes in Parenthood. So, I stumbled out of bed at 11:30 in order to go see comedy on a Saturday early afternoon. Which really isn’t a time that comedy should happen.

Continue reading “Sketchfest Review: Superego Podcast at Eureka Theater, 1/21/12”