Summer is a great time for some rock n roll. So this weel brings you some excellent Summertime rock options.
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 6/27/13-7/3/13”
Reviews of albums, films, concerts, and more from the Bay Area Music and Movie Nerds
Summer is a great time for some rock n roll. So this weel brings you some excellent Summertime rock options.
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 6/27/13-7/3/13”
There’s something unique about Switchfoot. As a result, their fans have a different vibe than those belonging to your average rock band, and so their shows have a different feel to them than most I find myself attending. Sure, some consider Switchfoot a “Christian band,” but it’s not quite that simple. Yes, the members themselves are Christians. Yes, much of their lyrical content has spiritual undertones, and no they don’t try to hide it. But truth be told, I’m not sure I’d give them much of a second listen if they were the kind of band marketed solely to “Christian rock” radio. That just isn’t my thing. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that…) Because these guys prefer to live their lives as good, salt-of-the-earth people with a great sound and steer far clear of anything that might feel like they’re pimping their beliefs on me, I’ve been hooked for over a decade. But it’s more than that… There’s honestly a kind of “live and let live” mantra between the band and its fans: as long as you respect what I believe, I can do the same for you and we can all get along and enjoy each other. And that’s the sort of breath of fresh air that inspires me at a Switchfoot show, and what keeps me coming back. This week, they played San Francisco’s tiny Regency Ballroom Tuesday night, alongside Nashville indie rock band Paper Route, and before the night began, I was full of anticipation and excitement for a night of music by the band whose music has been something of a soundtrack for the last decade of my life. Continue reading “Show Review: Switchfoot with Paper Route at Regency Ballroom, 10/23/2012”
In July of 2009, I saw Owl City’s San Francisco debut in a tiny club at 330 Ritch, the home of Popscene, the city’s center stage for brand new acts. Adam Young, the main brain behind Owl City, and Matthew Decker, who added live drums to the wall of synthesizer sound, performed seven songs for a crowd of less than 200 people. Now, see the speed at which fame moves you: less than nine months after that show, Adam and Matthew — along with a new plethora of performers — have returned to San Francisco for two — two! — sold-out performances. I think I should also point out the fact that both shows were completely sold out MONTHS ago — not an hour or to before the show, as was the case for their Popscene debut. Needless to say, I was bewildered — but excited — when I found myself returning to the Fillmore for the first of these two concerts. Continue reading “Show Review: Owl City with Lights and Paper Route at The Fillmore, 4/5/2010”
Our dear editor-in-chief posted this on the Spinning Platters twitter account:
SpinnPlatt Our concert calendar looks sad and lonely for the next two weeks. Someone talk us into something, please.
Which makes me realize that he needs this column more than anyone else. Just because Fauxchella is only two weeks away, doesn’t mean you can take a break!
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 3/31/10-4/6/10”
Episode 10 of the Spinning Platters Podcast is technically about music in video games, but as usual, goes off into a million different directions. Hear us talk about bands whose names sound the same, take Twitter topic suggestions from our Twitter followers, and admit to embarrassing truths about ourselves. Gordon, Dakin and D.P. are joined again by Carlos Rodela of Mevio, our first official recurring guest. See our topics and listen below, or click the giant button in the left sidebar to subscribe. Continue reading “Spinning Platters Podcast Episode 10 — Awesome Nog”
There was a lot more competition for the top posts of the week this week. Bands that start with the letter P have positively proven to be particularly popular posts at Spinning Platters. I don’t know why that is, but because of this, we’re hoping you’ll come back to read our reviews of Pountain Goats, Pem Crooked Vultures, and the Piery Purances. But now for this week’s top 5. Continue reading “Week in Review: Top 5 Posts from Nov 6 — Nov 12”
I usually never drink at shows. On occasion I might be up for a whiskey on the rocks, but rarely do I ever booze it up a show that I’m really into. I can’t tell you exactly why I decided to drink at this particular show; it could be because I was one of the handful of people over 21, or because I have the day off tomorrow (today) or whatever. The $7 it cost for a Red Stripe didn’t even deter me. It just felt like the right night to indulge, so I did. 2 beers, a whiskey on the rocks, and a shared Sex on the Beach with my companion later, I was thoroughly rocking out at the Paramore show.
Continue reading “Photo Gallery: Paramore, Paper Route, The Swellers at The Warfield, 11/10/09”
Last month, I posted a review of the band Heart at The Warfield. In the review, I mention the band Paramore in a very positive light. In the comments, somebody posted this question:
Question: What is the importance of a band like Paramore? (Serious question — I’m 38 years old.
When I wrote this review, it was expected I would have already written quite a fair amount about this band, and the kind reader would not have been confused. But, this show was moved from the beginning of the tour to the end of the tour, and I had yet to write a review of the new record, brand new eyes. Well, since this show has finally happened, I think it’s fair of me to, within discussion of this performance, to help describe why the band Paramore is truly important, and additionally, why a 38 year old Heart fan should know what his/her niece already understands.
Continue reading “Show Review: Paramore, Paper Route, The Swellers at The Warfield 11/10/09”
I have returned from Florida, and I am back to control your life… Here are a few suggestions:
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: November 4th-November 10th”
This week is the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass festival in Golden Gate Park. It’s the best thing that ever happens in this town. You will go to this, but there are a few things going on at night that are pretty good, too. Check them out:
Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: September 29th-October 5th”