A Music Nerd’s Guide To SF Sketchfest 2010

Music and Sketches? Get It? Ha Ha Ha!

As San Franciscans, we love festivals. We also love music and laughs, and it seems that line is blurring between the two worlds more & more everyday. And, although our music festivals have been littered with comedians quite a bit lately, especially with Tenacious D functioning as headliner at least year’s Outside Lands Festival, the music leaking in to the comedy festivals has been a bit subtler. That’s why we’re here to guide you through the music of San Francisco’s Sketchfest. There is lot going on, and a lot of very special things that will pique the interest of any music nerd.

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Spinning Platters Picks Six: Bands I Forgot From The 80’s

Pull out those analog synths it's 1983 again.
Pull out those analog synths it's 1983 again.

Lets be clear up front – this is a personal list.  I came across the Associates the other day and it got me thinking about bands that I was REALLY into in the 80’s that I had forgotten about.  I dug into some old records and websites and came up with this six.  Some bands from the 80’s that you may have forgotten and loved will not make the list because I have not forgotten them.  This is not a best bands from the 80’s.  Purely a personal list of bands that touched me in some way that I had forgotten about.

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This Week In Shows That We Think You Will Enjoy

Animal Collective Will Be Playing At The Fox Theater In Oakland
Animal Collective Will Be Playing At The Fox Theater In Oakland

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