Show Review: BabyKlok Tour at The Youtube Theater, 10/12/23


Sometimes, I get really tired of writing. It’s probably why these articles end up being late every damn time. Trying to think of good opening lines or hooks to pull you, the reader, in when I’m fairly confident you’re probably just here for the photos because how could you possibly relate to my subjective experience of these bands or live music in general? Yet, here I am, all self-deprecation aside, about to rattle on about why you should have been at one of the BabyKlok Tour shows regardless of which of these two juggernauts in their own rights is your favorite. Let’s get on with it, shall we?

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Album Review: Dethklok – Dethalbum IV


It’s been a long and difficult saga for Brendon Small, but with the upcoming release Metalocalypse: Army of the Doomstar, we will finally have a conclusion to the story of the “greatest band on earth,” Dethklok. Despite the more obvious humor of Metalocalypse, there has always been a love and adoration for heavy music, from the overarching score, guitar squealing censor blips, and the four absolute crushers of albums.

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