Shows Preview: Satan, Hell Fire and the onslaught of metal to SF in April!

Photos and April preview by: Alan Ralph @ConcertGoingPro

Beginning this weekend and throughout April, San Francisco (and Spinning Platters!) is about to get very \m/etal.  Just look at the list of 60+ band names on the left column… this does not happen too often around here anymore!

Spinning Platters is going to attempt to attend, photograph, and review as many of these as possible, and will report back with our findings soon! \m/

Before diving in, first though how about some photos from a great show with Satan and Hell Fire at DNA Lounge last weekend… sort of the calm before the {metal}storm!

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Aftershock 2022: What you do not want to miss!

It’s not often that we leave the breezy confines of the San Francisco Bay Area, but on occasion, we like to venture outside of our comfort zone, and the annual Fall festival in Sacramento known as Aftershock is one huge reason to do so.  They definitely didn’t hold back on the lineup this year, and it looks like a great opportunity to go and show off all the black t-shirts that we’ve collected over the past year of catching up on live events.  Like any other music festival with multiple stages and dozens of bands, Aftershock doesn’t happen without a bit of scheduling conflicts that will make it impossible to try to decide which barricade to consider posting up on.  Fear not though, as Spinning Platters will attempt to breakdown any major conflicts and present reasonably valid reasons to choose one band over another throughout the four-day weekend. 

Continue reading “Aftershock 2022: What you do not want to miss!”

Spinning Platters Weekly Guide to Bay Area Concerts, 5/3/12-5/9/12

Opening for The Black Keys this Friday Night!

Another week of rock and roll… Because sleep is totally overrated.

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