Spinning Platters Guide To Important Musicians That Passed Away In 2009

This is a list of musicians of import that passed away in 2009. There will be many that are missed. You will be upset about some that I may have passed over. (I’m looking at you, Man In The Mirror) So, get ready to pour one down for:

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Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: October 6th-October 12th

Appearing Saturday with Thursday. Huh? Yeah, that's right.
Appearing Saturday with Thursday. Huh? Yeah, that's right.

October is upon us, which means everyone is playing all the time. I guess it really is Rocktober! Lotsa great shows this month, all on the same day. Happy decision making!!

Continue reading “Spinning Platters Weekly Guide To Bay Area Concerts: October 6th-October 12th”